TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:kathykira
Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 从某一具体方面来说,比如教育,我们从过去能学到什么?
回答: 1.比如中国过去的科举制度,在当时是一种制度,因为它打破了世袭制的官僚体系。 2.过去的很多例子都让我们用功‘背’书,比如‘韦编三绝’:孔子读《易经》,把串联竹简的皮带子磨断了3次;司马光下课之后都会留在课堂直到把书背下来才离开。这些确实教给我们应该用功念书。 3.癌症是可以遗传的:拿破仑死因的研究-->10年间腰围的变化=癌症病人的腰围变化,同时研究者们了解到拿破仑的祖父,父亲以及三个妹妹均死于胃癌。
2. 就现在而言,这方面还需要什么改变?
回答: 1.这种制度一直延续至今,使得现在的高考如同学生们身上一座大山,一座决定命运的山。变成现在大多数的学校和老师都是按照成绩来判定一个学生的好坏。应该增强学生们兴趣和生活能力及社会适应能力的培养。 2.只会背书的习惯使得我们一直在思想上是懒惰的,逐渐就造成了大家批判性思维的缺失。在接受一个新信息时,应该从几个角度去思考,用自己的判断力对其进行处理,再决定自己的看法。 3.现在还在研究究竟是哪个基因会遗传
3. 那过去总结的经验教训对现在改进不足的地方有所启发吗?
回答: 有的。 2.由于人们固有的对于所谓的权威或者是真理之类的知识并不会加以思考,只会拿来就背,造成了很多学生缺少批判思维,不会创新,不去质疑课本上的知识,是中国科研不能进步的原因之一。 3.如果不对其死因进行深入的探究,不会知道这么个理论:理论都是来源于实际生活的。
4. 直接抛开过去,重新从现在开始,这一方面的发展会顺利吗?
回答: 2.不会,因为这是一个文化的传承,从古至今在中国人的脑子中权威是很神圣的,不容打破。 3.不会,如果不总结以前的case是不会在医学上有突破的,很多:反应停致新生儿畸形,吸烟导致肺癌,乙烯雌酚致子代女性阴道腺癌ect都是人们对于以前的case的总结才能警示现在的的人们一些病的病因。
There really many different between today's society and the one of past. It was out of the our imaginations to talk with out-country family members through telephone or internet. And also something that was very important in the past may not important any more. But, the experiences and knowledge we learnt from past could help us dig out some parts that we have not known.
First, though there are some study methods which no longer fit the knowledge boomed era, it gave us some clues to change the way that teachers tought their students. To recite whatever you had read is rooted in the traditional Chinese education. We often learn a story about Sima Guang who wrote Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government. Though he is a great man, he back home after recited what he had learnt in the day-time. While, for now there are too many knowledge for us to learn, this type of study not wasted only our time but confused our decisions also.  Neverthless, in practicing that method, we find a new way to grasp numorous knowledge which is critical thinking. In some extent it resloved the problem.
In addition, studying past could gave a clue to nowaday research. For instance, from investigating the  death of Napoleon, scientists suggested that cancer is  genetic. As they find the waist changes in ten years which fits the cancer pacient's, researchers just assumed he was dead from cancer. In further study, they discovered that Napoleon's grandfather, father and his three sisters all dead from stomach cancer. This is the first time that doctors  suggested the cancer could be passed down. We also learn that thalidomide caused abnomality of the offsprinfs from case-control study. If we never concluded and excavated the source, the real truth of a certain syptom, many etiological factors would be omit.
By and large, though time is changed, many things did not appeared any more. Studying the past assisted us conecting the past and discovering the further.
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