TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:打不倒的素芊芊
【IBT机经-1】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else.
1. 在我们的日常生活和社会历史中,获得成功的人都应该具备那些素质?这些成功人士是和其他人一样呢还是与众不同呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 坚持,努力,善于观察,不一样。爱迪生千辛万苦,找了1600多种材料,终于找到了钨丝,马克扎克伯格通过不断尝试建立了feedback
2. 成功人士的身上,哪些特点是具有普遍性的?那些特质是具有特殊性的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 坚持,努力,善于观察。noble 为了研究炸药,炸死了兄弟与父亲,尽力了400多次的失败,终于成功了。鲍尔·海斯德是美国一位研究蛇毒的科学家。他小时候看到全世界每年有成千上万人被毒蛇咬死,就决心研究出一种抗毒药。他想到,人患了天花,会产生免疫力,而让毒蛇咬后能不能也产生免疫力呢?体内产生的抗毒物质能不能用来抵抗蛇毒呢?他设想到这也是有可能的。因此,从15岁起,他就在自己身上注射微量的毒蛇腺体,海斯德是世界上惟一被蓝蛇咬过而活着的人。他一共被毒蛇咬过130次,每次都安然无恙。海斯德对自己血液中的抗毒物质进行分析,试制出一些抗蛇毒的药物,已救治了很多被毒蛇咬伤的人。
3. 变得和大家相似会出现哪些结果?在什么情况下有助于成功?什么情况下不利于成功?请结合具体事例简述。
4. 变得和大家不同有哪些结果?在什么情况下有利于成功?什么情况下不利于成功?请结合具体事例简述。
5. 变得和他人一样也好,不一样也罢,对成功究竟能起到多大的作用?为了获得成功,除了题目中涉及的那方面问题,还需要那些优秀的品质呢?请结合实例简述。
Nowadays, more and more group purchase sites have sprung up. They are have a similar interface, selling the same products. In a few moments, only several group purchase sites which have special characteristics alive. It follows that a person or business want to success must equip special characters. In another words, a man who is different others has more chance to success.  Firstly, somebody get into success because have special eyes. As far as I know, Mark who build the Facebook is a special man. When he was a university student he want to establish a social platform in the internet, this is a new idea, no one thought it except Mark. There is no doubt that Mark become very successful because of his invention, shortly afterword facebook, Mark’s invention, become extremely popular in the world. Facebook change the way of people’s communicate with each other. Therefore, have a special eye for success is extremely important.   In addition, who want to get success not only should not follow others but also need have a quality of perseverance. Noble who is one of the greatly scientist. He studies explosive all the time, but his experiments always defeats, one day he and his brother in the lab, they are exiting because they think they find the real recipe of explosive, but when his brother make this explosive which follow they find recipe, unfortunately, his brother died due to this explosive experiment. But Noble never give up, he think he will find the recipe of explosive in the future. Where there is a will, there is a way, finally, Noble invent explosive after he study 11 years. So I think  a quality of perseverance is a important condition for success. Therefore, more like other is also could help you get into success, like a artist when he was a child, he need copy famous painting, but if he want to become a artist in the future, his painting must have himself character. All in all, I think someone who want to get into success need to have good quality and should not just follow others. Every successful example could not be copy, because you are not he.
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