TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:willspears
【IBT机经-18】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important problems in today’s world will be solved in our lifetime.
1. 请结合具体事例简述当今世界最重要的问题是什么?
回答: 现在世界最重要的问题是环境保护问题,在世界的很多发展中国家高污染高排放导致环境极度恶化。
2. 为什么说它是当今世界最重要的问题?它是怎么产生的,它产生了多久?它对我们的世界有什么影响?对我们的生活有什么威胁?请联系实际简述。
回答: 因为它在世界范围内很普遍,他是由于发展但不注意废物的绿色化,在工业革命之后一直存在,让世界人民没有办法享受美好的生活,对于我们来说每天吸入这污染的气体让我们的寿命缩短,使我们的生活质量大大下降。
3. 一般来讲,一个世界性难题的解决大概需要花费多少时间来解决?作为世界最重要的问题,解决起来是不是很困难,为什么?
回答: 一般来讲解决一个世界问题需要超过50年的时间,作文世界最重要的问题解决起来并不是很困难,因为它迫在眉睫,有更大的利益,会吸引更多的力量来解决这个问题。
4. 据你所知,这问题应该采取哪些措施来解决?问题解决后会给世界带来哪些贡献?
回答: 这个问题应该提高废物利用率,减少有毒气体的排放,问题解决后会让世界的环境得到改善。
5. 现实世界中有没有一些国家和地区已经开始在着手解决这个问题?效果怎么样?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 现在欧美已经在着手解决这个问题,效果非常好,但是并没有从本质上解决问题,比如改变产业结构,降低工业比例,还有加强绿色化学的进程,研究产生更少有毒废物的反应。
There was a time when most people in this world can fill them up. And the most important problem has been switch poverty to the environment. The problem is so serious that it has influenced our life all the time. As far as I concerned, the problem will be resolved in my lifetime. The key factor in success of solving the environmental problem is that more and more power has to add in this area. The environment problem is the essentially solved. The uniqueness quantity will attract more investment in this area. The solar battery is a prime example of this situation. In a the solar battery lab, there are more than 50 subjects in one years, and the investment is a plenty of money. the money of One of the subject's investment is 10000 RMB. So the uniqueness quantity functions as a catalyst for a chemical experiment. Aside from the investment, the sole cause of solving the environment problem is the speed of development in this area. In America, a lab has invented a battery with no pollution. The batter only discharge water. But the bad news is the battery is not quite stable. It may be shut down in low temperature. And it is really expensive. However, we have seen the light of it.Many countries have switched their structure of industry. The third industry is exactly the lowest pollution to the environment. At the same time,we have to clear that it's going to be a long way to solve the problem. We will be challenged in many areas. The pollution is not as easy as we might suppose. But I am quite sure that it will be solved in my lifetime.
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