TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dddns
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你或你朋友工作满意吗?工作的动力是什么?
回答: 工作不满意。因为不感兴趣。
2. 你或你朋友在工作中得到了什么?失去了什么?
回答: 工资很高。但是休闲时间少,不能做自己喜欢的事情。
3. 工作所赚得的钱给你或朋友带来了什么?
回答: 房,车,优越的生活条件。
4. 如果有份工作是义务,没工资的,你会考虑去做吗?
回答: 感兴趣并于自身有益的。
The appeal of money is almost magical. But is money the most important aspect of a job? I believe it is a significant consideration instead of the most important one.
On the one hand, the importance of money is undeniable. First of all, money meets people's basic needs, e.g. food, clothes and rent. Secondly, money affords people more comfortable and luxurious life.A better life is the goal of many people, which means not only a better physical environment but a rich sipirit world. Thirdly, money allows people to pursure their interests and hobbies. People like fishing need money to by fishing tools, one that love paiting needs money to get pelattes and people indulgent in music also need monry to download songs from internet. Fourthly, money allows people to have a better education. Costs on education today is a large part of expends of a family. One that has a nice income from job makes it avielable for his/her children to have better education. It is a common practice today that students work as waiters and waitresses at Mcdonal's or Starbuck to make money to complete their college education. Last but no least, money allows people to help others in need.
On the other hand, it does not follow that money is the most important aspect of job. If people put mony above all, many other aspects of life might suffer. And the person might break law to make money. For many people,there are some thing in the job values much. there are people who love work with different people as a team to deal with difficult problems and satisifed with the experience. There also are people who do works that they are intrested in and do not care about money at all.
In conclusion, people focus on different aspects of job foer different reasons. But money in most cases is the thing to think about for it allows people to do a lot of things means so much in people's life.
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