TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dddns
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 什么是“以貌取人”?
回答: 就一个人的长相和穿着去定位一个人的身份地位和性格品质。
2. 人为什么会以貌取人?
回答: 以感性为基础的经验判断。
3. 以貌取人会产生怎样的结果?
回答: 心中有数 或 错误判断
4. 人的外貌很什么重要吗?重要性体现在哪儿?
回答: 重要,相由心生。穿着整洁是一种礼貌。
5. 外貌跟人的本质有什么联系?
回答: 至少可以看出其对外貌的态度。
6. 有没有其它的方面能判断一个人的本质?
回答: 沟通、所作所为 。虽然也会有欺骗
There are various factors that can have an impact on the judgement of a person. How much does the appearances play in the judgement? In my opinion, generally spaking, looks should not be used to judge a person's ability or character.
Firstly,generaly speaking, the original statement holds true. Looks or appearance do not reflect a person's real content.
Consider ordenary people, all of us have some friends have no great appearances but are good to be with. What attract us are not the looks of them but the great personalities, which are easily be ignored the first time we meet them.
Consider businessmen, Bill Gates, who is well kown around the world. Neither of his repute nor his wealth is earned by his appearances, which can far from been called as nice.
Consider scientists. When we talk about an scientist, the first thing been thought up is not his/her looks but the breakthroughs at past. Stephen Hawking was hit by the parkinsonism early in his life time. However, no one  would care about his appearances as the contribution to science research made by him mans so much.
Consider politics, famous people like Napolean and Abraham Lincon, who have no bueatiful appearances and still made great changes to the world.
On the other hand, exceptions do exist. Looks or appearances can tell a lot about a lot of people.
Consider acters/actresses, appearances really means a lot in their careers.
Consider beauty contestants. They are more likely to win competetions when the competence of them is equal to other contestants.
In conclusion, we can not judge a person solely by his/her appearances--that is for sure. However, we can not say that appearances means nothing when a person is judged.
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