TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dddns
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
1. 你在中学时,是否需要学习艺术和音乐?你觉得上这些课有什么收获?
回答: 学过,他们都是艺术的一种,让我学会如何去欣赏艺术。
2. 在中学不学习艺术和音乐的学生能够利用省下的时间做什么?
3. 许多学校在临近中考、高考时会取消艺术和音乐课,你觉得这样做好吗?为什么?
Currently, it is a common practice that many secondary schools ask students to have piano or drawing classes. However, some students are having different opinions about whether studens should have theses classes. Confusius, greatest Chinese philosopher, commented,"Music is the integral to the education of a ture Junzi(a perfect gentleman)." I agree with him because music and art classes bring huge benifits to students.
 Firstly, art and music help students to relax. By playing music or practicing art, students get a much-needed escape from academic life. I can back up this point with my personal experience.  When I was preraring for the National  College Entrance Examination(NCEE), I developed the hobby that listen light music when felt boring about the academic practices. It helped me to calm down  and think about difficult problems with a lightheart.
Secondly, music and art can even improve the academic performances of adolecents. It is because music and art can help students concentrate better. A recent survey can back uo this point. The study, conducted by the Chinese Education Department (CED), after following thouthands of middle school studies, found a causal relationship between playing piano or dancing practices and significant better GPAs of the respondents.
Thirdly, music and art are useful tools to improve presonal relationships. Students always find topics of conversation over their favorite music or artists. And by going to concerts,they can spend quality time with their friends or family.
 Last but not least, the study and practice of music and art teaches students important values and principles. The mastery of a musical instrument, for instance, piano,requires countless hours of practice. And every song has its own rythm in side of it. Learn about rythm teaches us to balance complex cirtuations in our lives.
To sum it up, it is a nice choise for students to have music and art classes in the secondary schools, for learning art and muisc brings lots of advanteges as I have mentioned above: help to relax, improve academic performances, improve personal relationships and teaches important values and principles.
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