TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:AngelaSasha
What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
1. 有哪些技能是当今社会成功人士必备的?
回答: Management communication and teamwork
2. 其中你认为重要的是哪个?为什么?
回答: In my opinion the teamwork is the most important skill.Create synergy - the sum greater than the parts; More work to support licensing, to eliminate possible restrictions to prevent people work; can smoothly achieve their goals, help the team overcome the difficulties and extend the forward momentum; To promote smooth and streamlined structure, lower level; Encourage multi-disciplinary team across the organization's work; Planting flexibility and responsiveness, especially the ability to cope with change; Make a good team like the customers happy (and sometimes customers may be part of a team); Promote a sense of accomplishment, equality and fraternity, is the motivating workplace essential; If properly managed, is a better team work! Can maximize the strength of the team, so that each team member into full play.
3. 这个技能怎么习得?
回答: The first method is to enhance people's sense of identity on the team. For example, the team members is a team member for their own pride. If team members have "what happened" or "we have the fate of" feeling, will be very beneficial to the promotion of teamwork; The second method is to let each team member understanding and collaboration between them and the contribution to the success of the team is essential. In other words, without their contribution, the team will end in failure; The third method, so that each team member's contributions are measurable, and everyone can clearly see who did what, and each member is responsible for his actions; Fourth, improve the opportunities for face to face communication between members, so that everyone understands what is important in terms of the team, cooperative and uncooperative what the results are. Finally, you can create a match between the team atmosphere, to promote cooperation among members of the team, or create a challenge from outside the team, so team members must work together to defeat it.
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