GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:小仔_891
No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study.
1. 对于一个领域的研究来说,决定其是否能取得进展的因素有哪些?这些因素又跟什么人或者事物有关?请举例说明。
回答: what makes a dicinple advances? 1.Big figure: know how to develop as well as conclude a outline of the past trifal contribution,which results in a blueprint for the field as well as a clear direction boothing the advacing procedure. 2.Info exchanges between scholars:the cooperation between the specialists in the same field could enhance the efficiency as well as the light of the thought,which offer a dicinple a faster pace towarding the final goal.
2. 对于一个研究来说,什么是“局外人”,他们会给研究提供什么样的知识和经验?这些知识和经验的价值如何?请举例说明。
回答: What makes the outsider essential? Outsiders are those who're not familiar with one field's specific explanations or equations as well as the approaches generally used by the scholars in that field. Meanwhile more often than not they are equipted with thier own field major knowledge,for example the way to analysis a problem or phenomina .They probably have some board understanding of the basic facts of one field.For this reason ,they could make themself get rid of the trifle equations even general principles of that field and enlarge their mind to reshape the stucture using their own approaches and combine seemingly unrelevant two things togeter without too much limitation to generate absolutely new explanations or models ,which would probably handle a longtime unsolved probelms hence become a significant advancement.
3. 什么样的人能对某个研究起到推动作用?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: Inovation
4. 什么样的知识和经验能对某个研究起到推动作用?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: Modle the procedure as well as the essential assumption for physics.
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