GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wanglie
All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems.
1. 请举出一个你所在的或者你知道的大学在国际化方面做得不错的例子,比如国际交流,邀请国外教授讲座等。
回答: Peking university enjoys a high reputation globally in the academic field. Many leaders and presidents around the world come to China, and they would pay a visit to PKU giving a speech. Moreover, PKU's international students rate is the highest among all the universities in mainland, which means PKU have made a great effort to the globalization.
2. 你认为大学的国际化具体表现在哪些方面?
回答: From my perspective, the primary aspect contributes to the internationalization is not the amount of how many papers that are written in English, but the internatinal students rate which is the barometer of the internationalization.
3. 请举出一个你认为长期存在的社会问题,并简单阐述这个问题和国际化大学的关系。
回答: One of the persistent global problem is the information asymmetry in international trade cause the develped counties have a easier access to the information while the develping counties have little. A global university will cross this barrier by giving lectures from a international perspective.
4. 长期存在的社会问题对国家会造成什么样的影响?请举例说明。
回答: The persistant problem of the sociey will press the contradictions. The people affected by this problem wolud be less efficent and perform badly at work, so the anger of these people will accumulate and finally break out. At that time, the whole society would all in a mess. More over, a communicable desease, as SARS, wolud cause the society in a panic under which circumstance the society is infested.
5. 不同国家是否存在类似的、长期存在的社会问题?如果是,解决方案是否可以互相借鉴?请举例说明。
According to the athor that the establisment of a global university aiming at solving the world's perpetual social problems should be suppored around the world, and I agree with him/her. But there is still some risk of building a such global university which all countried should try to minimize.
One compelling argument of the establishment of the global university involves a myriad of international social conerns which can be solved in this kind of global universities. An telling example of this is the global warming which human being are facing, ;this severe phenomenon totally devastate the weather of the earth, and a number of people around the world trapped into danger cause by such abnormal weahter. To make things worse, the global uninterupted earthquakes, the tsunamises, the hurricanes are continuous which makes the affected countries all in a mess. Also, the finance crsis is a worldwide concern should be discussed. Once it happened, there would be a destructive effect globally, the devaluated currency, the higher unemployment, and so forth. Environment, economic and other aspects problems such as the foregoing ones all carry shocking concequences like the starvation, the poverty, the seperated, the increased crime, the disseminative and the turmoil. Solving such kind of global persistant social problems needs the worldwide cooperation, which a global university can satisfy.
Another compelling argument in favor of the global university solving the perpetual social concern has to do with the worldwide perspectives and the cultrues sparking together in a university whose faculty and students are from different part of the world. In a typical class in this global university would be this: when a professor broaches a global subject concerning the social problems, a guy form United States would analysis it in the view of a developed country; a Chinese would pass an opinion on in a tradition way; a European would pay more attention to the balance between the nature or the society and human beings. Countless issues need to be discuss and analyze in a international level, and a global university provide a convenient access to it.
Nevertheless the advisable and reliable reasons as foregoing arguments provide the practicabilities of the global university, there are some inevitable queries should not be neglected. As we have discussed, the global university provides a efficient access to solving the persistent social complications, but we can have not elaborate that whether a agreement wolud be reached at the end. Consider, for instance, the refusal of a Arab student to discuss the women rights, and of a Chinese student selected by the government to intensify the demoracy, and a African guy could only be interested the issue of the stavation and the poverty . Facing such sort of issues, a resolution would not be approached definitely. If a contraversial and persistent social problem can not reach a final solution, the establishment of such a university would be meaningless and lavishness.
 Another problem comes out when there is no final agreement on a social problem, who will dominate the resolution eventually. It is reasonable that a prime sponsor country have more rights to dominate the final choice to solve these problems, but this method of solving persisten social concerns is contray to the target of a global university cause the problem does be solved in a worldwide perspective. Moreover, the professor's research direction is mainly decided by the sponsor's preference, this kind of phenonenon would be more severe and disordered in a global university without a distinct coveat. Is it sound to name it "global" in a global university which the final choice and the resolution is decided only be a few or one coutry? As a global university is not a independent NGO, it is significant to make sense whether it has a inclination in politics when it is established.
Notwithstanding, a global university provide a ideal hall for the scholars and students around the world bring their own ideas and cultures to diccuss the perpetual social problem that we human beings are facing, the final resolution may be distorted by some sponsor countries. Once the global university has a neutral position, it wolud be efficient to establish a global university to solver the facing social problems.
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