GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:DAVID GUO
There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws.
1. 什么是法律?法律对于社会和人会起到什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 法律是规范社会生活的工具,起到稳定社会,规范人类行为的作用,对于违反法律的要予以严惩
2. 正义的法律能对社会和人类做出什么贡献?请举例说明。
回答: 有利于社会稳定和人人平等,比如一些法律规定不准有性别歧视等等
3. 什么是非正义的法律?它们给社会和人类带来了什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 那些保护了少数人利益但对社会上大多数人不公的法律,不利于人人平等,容易产生社会矛盾,比如一些霸王条例
4. 非正义的法律是否一无是处?如果不是,那么它的存在对于社会和人类有什么好处?请举例说明。
5. 人们是否有抵制非正义法律的经历?如果有,请举例说明,并分析在抵制过程中人们付出了什么代价,得到了什么好处。
In modern society, law has become a standard and guidance for human behavior. In some degree, we can judge a country's civilized level from its legisitation. Depends on its own history, different country have diffenert laws, And  some people said" there are two types of laws:just and unjust,  we should obey just ones and resist unjust ones". I believe this opinion is limited.
There was unjust laws. At feudal society, ruling class made laws to dominate the public. In this way, ruling class can protect itself by legistation and protect their own interets. This is not just for the public, their rights had been deprived.  For example, in Amercia there was a time that it it legal to have black slave. The law is unjust for black, since their liberty had been deprived. After the Civil War. The law had been amend. the slave has got their freedom from them. So does many revolutions in ancient China, people regisisted unjust laws by force. These fact told us that we can regisist unjust law to protect our interests.
However, we can not define a law just or not. Some laws seems unjust apperently, but it actually can make sense.Like planned parenthood in China in the 1980s. It was illegal to have second child at that time. In some people's eyes, this behavior deprived women's rights of giving birth. But if the population kept increasing, the consequence would threaten the development of China. This was a risk that the government cann't take. Not only the planned parenthood, but also euthanasia, arbortion, etc, In some laws, they are legal, and in the others they are not.  We can hardly define them.
My point is even sometines we can regisist these unjust laws, we should obey laws at most time,espicially when we can not judge it just or not. After all, it is society governed by law now. as the topic claims: is our responsibility to obey laws.
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