TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蛋蛋先生
In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice.
1. 你尝试过通过电脑、电视等学习?你觉得这样学习有什么优点和缺点?
回答: Yes, the advantages of it are the time and place are very flexible and people do not need to bother go far to school. The shortcomings of it there are distractions such as advertisments or friends.
2. 传统学校教育的优点和缺点是什么?
回答: The merits of it are students can discussion with teachers easily and better concentrate on class. The disadvantages of it are time-consuming to go to school.
3. 两个教育可以只发展一个吗?为什么?
回答: No, both are very important for they can meet different people's needs.
The explosion of Internet brings the online study and many people can benefit from it. At the same time, traditional school-study is still prevelant in educating people.Though I have been students of traditional schools since I was young, studying at home is my preference.
Unlike traditional schools, studying at home does not have rigid schedule and over-crowded classroom.Students can study at any time they want and have a comfortable place to gain knowledge.
For example, when I was a primary student, I had to get up very early and went to school in dark because the first class of the day was at 7 o'clock. My mom even needed to bring me to school for she thought it was dangerous to let me go alone. Studying at home can efficiently avoid such inconvenience. Furthermore, the class in school usually have a lot of students and it is hard for some students hear teachers clearly due to the noises. On the contrary, online study enable students hear the teachers' talking clearly.  
Students who study at home can repeat the part they don't understand since the resources are always available to them. I have studied a course online. When I counter some parts I don't understand, I saw them again and again until I figure them out. In this way, studying at home superior to school study which is gone after done. We can not deny, even though study at home have many advantages, school study is unreplacable for it suits for general students and has a practical syllabus. Since not all students have a clearly clue of what they need to study and some lack of self-discipline, uniformed school study can has a practical plan for students and forces them to move forward. 
 School study and home atudy are two integral parts of education and they have their own edges.

But, personally, I think study at home is better for its time-flexibility and review-ability.
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