TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:96163
Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 团队工作时需要员工具备哪些特质?
回答: 一个好的团队工作需要员工具备良好的专业技能,同时也要有好的沟通能力和协调能力(organisation),团结也是很重要的一方面,有时也需要一些牺牲精神 1.第一可以和队员分享与交流自己的经验。如果我们学会了随时随地的和队员分享经验,那么我们将会有更多的经验可以用,当我们独自面对一个很难的事的时候,我们就或许可以想到更多的解决办法。 2.合作的精神,这也是一个很重要的,尤其是在一个团队中,如果一个团队的各个队员都不能很好的合作,那么这还是一个团队吗?10个人单独来做一件事,和是个人共同来完成一个相同的任务,结果很不一样。 3.独立,虽然团队更需要合作,但是我们也要具有独立的特质,这样我们才可以独立的思考问题,给出自己的一个方案,而不是什么都人云亦云。 4.坚持。在一个团队里,当我们遇到很难解决的问题的时候,大家的意见出现了分歧,如果你感觉自己的是正确的,就要学习坚持,有时候,真理并不永远在多数人手里。 5.自信。任何时候,我们都要相信自己,这是做人的最基本的特质,它不仅在团队里需要,在我们的生活和学习里一样的很重要。 6.要敢于挑战和质疑。
2. 根据这些特质,你觉得什么样的工作适合团队合作?
回答: 我觉得一些流程复杂,或者工艺复杂的制造业等轻重工业,商业金融以及其他的服务行业,甚至农业的繁荣也需要团队的协作。 例如电影的拍摄,非常适合团队工作,如果只靠导演,或者,只依赖某位知名的演员,完全没办法拍摄出令观众折服,影响深刻的影片。并且,在团队中的每个人都必须具有一定的能力。例如著名导演张艺谋的成功,绝不是仅仅凭借他一个人的能力,他背后有一个出色的团队,他有出色的摄影师,出色的美术设计,出色的演员,才能造就他成功的神话。
3. 团队合作有什么弊端?
回答: 团队合作的避短很多。最明显的就是工作效率低下,可能不会产生伟大的产品(乔布斯的例子),如果团队没有好好的管理,就会流于人事。没有很好地发挥个人的积极性。 团队合作当然也存在弊端。如果团队中的某个人特别的有领导能力,团队中一部分人就会一味的依赖他,而减少自己的工作量,最后只变成一个人在做事情。其次,如果团队中的工作分工不明确,大家做一件事情就会出现事半功倍,每个人不知道自己的具体任务,总是重复,就不会有如意的结果。 容易引起分岐 很是有些人偷懒,最后成就的不公平,会引发一些矛盾,大家又把任务和责任推给其他人或组长
4. 独立完成工作需要员工具备怎么样的素质?
回答: 领导力,过硬的业务能力,决断力。成本和时间的控制,以及良好的沟通(和上游下游)的能力
5. 在什么情况下适合单个人去完成工作任务?
回答: 我觉得在一些需要创造力的情况下适合单人完成任务。比如艺术创作,有话,雕塑等等,需要单人的智慧,个人的探索。以及一些关键的决定,比如乔布斯的例子,和Elip(NOKIA)等。 我认为,在需要树立自己的作品风格时,需要自己来完成。例如,我们创作一个舞蹈作品,主要依赖的是编导的创作构思,如果有太多人去干涉编导的思路,那么他就没办法完成具有自己独特风格的艺术作品,每个人舞蹈作品体现都是编导不同的人生阅历与感悟,这种感悟是无法复制的,所以更需要编导个人来进行编创。
6. 独立工作有什么不好的地方?
回答: 独立工作的缺点是可能会走入错误的方向,可能做出极端的决定。因为没有其他人的评估,没有从局外人的角度审视你的工作。自我主义膨胀。 个人力量薄弱,正如我们很容易折断一根筷子而很难折断一把筷子。 有的问题可能考虑不全面。 工作进度比较慢。 因为人掌握的知识面有限,不可能每一方面都完成得很完美,必然在某些方面做得不是很好。
We used to think that the whole Apple products system is due to just Steve Jobs.That is only partly true.A report reveals that such revolutionary is make by a small group which is made of 15 industrial designers Apple employs who come from the U.S., U.K., Australia and Japan. It was in these pow-wows that products such as the iPhone and iPad were designed.I regard it as a terrific example about the necessary of team work.Just imagine even bigoted Jobs also need groups to make accomplishment!
Obviously,I strongly stand by this term:We all need team works in contemporary siciety.But as we can learn from the Job's example, I perfer the samller and more effective group which is lead by master soul to such typical team which are made up of huge number of stuff,most time filling lazy and indifferent guy.
First, I am willing to interpretate the enormous advantage of teamwork.As the development of Industrary Revolution, our society had become more complex than ever before. And no one can deal with such world oneself without other's help. Commodification makes the word rolling much quicker,accelerates our life speed and xetends our life path.More trade takes place throughout the world, as well make people more dependant to others.Take Toefl Text as an example.We can not keep on this Text if there are no exmer groups to judge the score, no Engineer groups to hold the world's most intricacy on-line test system.
And as to individual, team or teamwork need your personal ability at the same time give you feedback.Professional skill is the base, then you can commnicate and cooperate in same platform.And if you take an active part in sharing ideas and such activities,I promise you will benefit a lot.On the other hand, though you cooperate,you should have your independence, you should hold your own idea instead of just follow others idea.And what is more, you should dare to show yourself even in huge teams which together with independence bring you popular trust. 
But unfortunately, things will not always go well in huge teams, that action I mentioned is not that easy,even cause bad influence such as the breaking of the whole team. And that is why I recommend small team. Remember the Job's example?  Whereas Samsung employs over 1, 000 people to help design its wares, Apple leaves its design decisions to a handful of engineers who meet weekly around a kitchen table! And why shouldn’t big decisions be made by a small group of thoughtful, committed tech designers? Indeed, there is something to be said for having feedback from a great number of smart people – less of a possibility that certain details might fall through the cracks, etc. – but a large number of decision makers submitting input and opinion can both slow down the process of coming to a final design for production, and weigh the product down with too many features in the hope of making everybody happy or trying to think of everything. Think about your local diner: there are many things on the menu, sure, and some of them are pretty good (always go with breakfast at a diner) but how many of the items are really great?
I have to say independent works also has its adventage and its own field, but in today's world ,team work will do better.As huge as bank system, library system,millary ,as small as your pen,your book, your I-phone.These are all the contributation of team work.What is more ,samll teams facilitate the whole Process,not only Apple but Braun and many other creativities in the history.That is why I choose team works notably small but flexiable team work. 
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