GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:鑫颖
As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE66原题。题目讨论科技对人类影响的话题,题目分为两部分:第一部分陈述了一个大家都接受的事实——“人们越来越多的依赖于靠科技解决问题”;第二部分以这个事实为基础,给出了“依赖于科技必然会降低人类自我思考能力”的判断。题目不难理解,相关事例也有很多,分析时应当注意以下两点: 1、论述中始终要与“人们的自我思考能力”以及“解决问题”相关联,无论是讨论科技的正面作用还是负面作用,都应当以“有利于自我思考”或“有碍于自我思考”为方向。 2、可以静止独立的去对比分析,同时也可以采用动态发展的眼光去分析,影响程度的变化以及新情况的出现都可能会对判断产生影响。
1. 人们在平时的生活、工作、学习的过程中,都面对哪些问题?解决这些问题的方法都有什么?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 人们在平时的生活、工作、学习中会遇到各种各样的问题,这些问题层出不穷。比如,堵车问题、食品安全、房价太高、怎样理财、辞职、学习没有效率等等。人们面对这些困难时,有的人会靠自己的经验,有的人会问朋友、父母等有经验的人、有的人会上网查询是否有人遇到过类似的问题并请教他们。 比如,在中国的搜索引擎百度知道里面就有很多人们关于生活、科技、感情的提问,一旦有人提问,很多关注次领域的用户便会收到消息,根据自己的经验或储备的知识进行解答。通常在15天过后,提问者需要选出最满意的回答,此时,系统会给这位用户金币予以奖励。我也在百度知道里解决过很多问题,比如在生活中,与男朋友的感情问题,或是在学习中不懂的数学题,都会在这个网站中得到详细的解答。
2. 人们解决问题的方法在科技帮助下,在哪些方面得到了改进和突破?和原方法相比有了怎样的提高?效果如何?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 人们解决问题的方法在科技的帮助下,解决问题的速度得到了提升。比如计算器的使用就很好的证明了这一点。很多很繁琐的计算不但没有大的用处,反而会浪费人们的时间,在做很多工程类预算的时候,我们需要计算出混凝土用量、人工劳动力费用等等很多数值,此时,我们在乎的并不是计算的过程而是最后的数值,如果这些计算我们都靠手算,势必会浪费掉大量的时间,降低效率,使用计算器得出数值,节省了时间以及错误率,使工程项目更加安全、费用更加准确。
3. 人类的自我思考的能力在什么场合或者情况下会被用到?要思考哪些问题?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 在很多场合都用得上,比如辩论时、处理人际关系时、机器出现故障时。设想,如果奥巴马和罗姆尼在辩论时,没有自我思考的能力,而是依靠科技在帮助他们分析对方提出的问题,势必会让总统辩论变成一场闹剧;我们在与人沟通时候也是如此,怎样成为一个受欢迎的人,怎样在重要场合注意自己的言谈举止都需要我们根据自己所面临的环境去思索;机器再聪明,也是人造的,如果机器出现故障,我们需要懂得机器原理的工程师来解决
4. 科技能否代替思考能力?如果能,请举例;如果不能,为什么?
回答: 科技不能完全代替人的思考能力。很多机器的思考能力其实是人赋予的,比如,电脑就是人类把程序输入到电脑中,才会让电脑实行各种操作。人的思维是无限制的,而科技终究知识人类的一种工具。
5. 有哪些原因会导致人类自我思考能力衰退?这些原因有哪些是科技造成的?思考能力的衰退与科技之间存在必然联系么?
回答: 太依赖于科技会使人类自我思考能力退化。计算机可以帮助人计算,可是越来越多的人完全依赖于计算机进行计算,连100以内的加减法都会算错,这些事情经常在小超市、小店铺里发生,很多生意人利用人们的这一特点,会少找给顾客钱。我们在使用很多科技类的产品是,更产生了这种不思考的惰性,很多高科技我们只是使用它,并没有想它背后的原理是什么,这都导致了部分人自我思考能力的退化。
Recently, people have been considering a problem that whether we could not think for ourselvers because of depending on technology more and more. In general life, people always meet many problems, for example, the jam of the trafic, the relationship between you and your friend, the increasing price on house and so on. Some people solve these problems on their experience, some would ask their friends or parents, others would search the answer on the Internet. 'Asking' the Internet has been a way that more and more people are using.
Depending on the technology does not seems like a way that makes people could not think for themselves. Some tasks that done by technology is more accurate and sufficient. For example, people have been creating calculator for many years which has made people's life more comfortable. In some engineering event, the engineer supposed to calculate the engineering buget, the whole expense that event will cost, and some laboring expense. At this time, the points that people care is not the process of the calulating, but the result of the calculating. If the engineer calculate these expence all by hand, it must cost a lot of time which is a waste of time. Also, the results are not so accurate which will effect the process of the engineering events.
Peolple use their wisdom to create machine. The tecnology is only a tool of people. In general people are supposed to think for themselves. On the presidential election, if Obama and Romney using the computer to analyze each other's comment, not analyze by their own brains, the campaigh will be a big joke. Thinking for themselves also present on other conditions. For example, when you are making friends with others, or when you should do a speech offhand, you must think for yourselves.
Technology can not subsitute for people whose ability to work is giving by people. When a machine is something wrong, there still need people who know the principle well to repair them. But we still see some tragedy. Some peole are depending on the caculator so much that they can not do addition and subtraction within one hundred. Some cashier can deceive them easily and they even do not notice the deception. So depending on the technology too much is not a wise way for people to live.
Although some people could think for themselves, we still should use the technology, after all it brings to many convenience for us. So only by using them to the extent that we can also think for ourselves can we let technology serve us well.

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