TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:林西抹抹茶
Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你在大学里学的是多项课程还是专项的?你觉得学校的课程安排合理吗?为什么?
回答: 多项。合理,可以让我接触更多领域的知识。
2. 学多个专业的课程对学生有哪些提高?
回答: 可以从更多角度去了解知识,从而回归到本专业,对major有更深了解
3. 只学一个专业对学生有什么好处?
回答: 将全部精力都投入进来,可以更有效率,更有深度。
4. 你有没有选修过跟你专业相差比较远的课程?你觉得这对你学习本专业有帮助吗?
回答: 有,比如选修过电影欣赏。有关,通过电影中人物的经历,更好的分析人格和成长历程。
5. 站在社会的角度上,哪种学校培养出来的学生更具有适用性?为什么?
回答: 综合性学校。学生知识多元化,学生的交往范围多元化,可以让人接触更大的社交网络和知识范围。
there are times when most of us are faced with choices that if we should take class in many subjects, or should we specialize in one course. There is no consensus amoung people as to evaluating the advantages and disadvantages. Some people maintain that schools should require students to all sorts of classes while others may disagree.

From my personal angle alone, the former point coincides with mine and a number of factors may contribute to my opinion.

First of all, students should have the rights to make decisions about the knowledges they want and the major they love, for the simple reason that they are the master of their own future and career. For instance, Steve Jobs, who is the former CEO of Apple, tells us' do what you love, and love what you do'. Only by taking class in various subjects can help the students figure out their favourites fields which they would love to devote to.

Secondly, it is obvious that taking class of many subjects may bring many benefits to college students. For one thing, learning different subjects can broad our horizon and help us learn more about our universe, which is filled with mystery. Through the process, not only can we know more about other subjects but more about our major as well. For another, students who take many classes have more oppotunities to meet numbers of Professors from many fields but make friends of other class, who may definitely hold different views of life. Their knowledge can help us complete ours.

However, stuents who specialize in one class seem to have more time saves for their own major, without learning knowledge of other fields. Compared with students who learn more classes, they may have a deeper view of their own course.

In conclusion, I am fully convinced that it is better for colleges to require students to take class in many subjects. I have a dream that one day students will not be restricted in certain areas, but with wider ranges of knowledges, for paradise is just a place where we can have a better understanding of the whole world.
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