TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:秋恬
Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 团队工作时需要员工具备哪些特质?
回答: A teamwork needs people have : 1.the spirit of teamwork. when I was intern in a law firm, there were 5 interns working together. My job was classify various cases, my partner would then mark pages on the cases and then take photos. if I done the work careless, I would disturb my partners's work. Therefore, cooperation is the most significant factors in the teamwork. 2.members should on time. If one of team members is late, he or she will affect the progress. 3.members should have the spirit of sharing. In the team work, the accomplishments are the result of everyone, so members should cultive the sharing spirit. when members have difficults, others should come up with ideas to help he or she.
2. 根据这些特质,你觉得什么样的工作适合团队合作?
回答: media: the media career need members who can go out to take radio and collect hot topics; someone who can write passages and reports; someone who can proofread and edit reports; someone who can coverages news on TV. Lawyer forms: It needs various members who can classify various cases and write legal writings, or someone who can help to analyse facts and search clauses and regulates.
3. 团队合作有什么弊端?
回答: 1.搭便车;2.不能很好施展个人才能; English version: work often results free rider.My classmate who is working in a teamwork. she told me her partner always left his own work to she by any excuse. 2.members who cannot exhibit their own advantages in the team. Because there are numerous leaders in the team have right to do everything, others have to follow it.
4. 独立完成工作需要员工具备怎么样的素质?
回答: 1.良好的身体素质;2.个人承担责任的勇气和信心;3.独立的性格。 English version: It needs people who are in good condition of healthy, have the courage and confidence when he or she undertakes task, have independent personality.
5. 在什么情况下适合单个人去完成工作任务?
6. 独立工作有什么不好的地方?
When people graduate from university, they often face to choose what will they do. However, they also need to choose the style of job. Some prefer to working independently. Others prefer teamwork, because teamwork is very efficient and people have a spirit of sharing.  As far as I am concerned, I prefer to working independently. Working by meself means that I achieve an opportunity to practice myself in the area of managing time and my profession.
It is significant that working independently can manage time very well. Because when people face to deal problems by themselves, they alway have a good sense of manageing time. Everything is done in order. If they have no sense of managing time, it will leads to a stack of unsolved tasks. For example, when I prepare for my paper homework, I prefer to do it by myself. I often use 2 hours to search materials online, and then use 1 hour to write an outline, after that I will use weekend to finish the writing. The process reduces the extra time of group talking and planning. Hence, working independently is more important than working together.
Working by myself is a fabulous chance to apply my professional skills. The reason is that people always take a free ride in team work. Further, the members in the team always follow the leader's command and advice, hence, they have few chances to practise their own adept skills and knowledge.Moreover, a team easily results the waste of resources in staffs and techniques. Compared with team work, working independently is better to  maximize people's advantages.
Working independently in a program can reduce the funds than working in a team. You can imagine that teamwork needs food fees, travelling expense,etc. On the contrary, working independently can reduce the cost.
Even though teamwork can reduce staffs' pressure, so they are able to have plenty of time with their family and children. Also, teamwork can create innovative ideas. All of these can hardly be found in independent working. Generally speaking, working independently can balance time and apply people's adept skills and knoeledge. Also, it can reduce budget in company. Consequently, I believe that working independently is better than teamwork.
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