TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:秋恬
Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
1. 如果你是大学生,你每节课都去上吗?为什么?
回答: the answer is absolutely no. 1. I am not intereting in some course, such as the introduction of physics, or chemical course. Thereby,I will not go to listen them every time. 2. sometimes the time of extracurricular activities is coincident with that of course, I will choose to attend extracurricular activities. For instance, I selected legal medicine when I was a junior.Every Tuesday I went to listen it, but in the 6th weeks, because I needed to attend a donation activities, I didn't go to listen it.
2. 如果你选择不去上课,那你会用这些时间做什么事?为什么你觉得这些事情比你上课更重要?
回答: 1.I will choose to have reading several books that I am interested in. 2. I will go to attend public activities. reasons: my own exploration, I can find what I really love. For instance, by reading the book, how to read a book, I find ways that how to actively and efficiently read a book. 2.stay in class listening course, in some degree, it means that students absorb knowledge negatively. However, attending extracurricular activities, as a participant, is an actively way to learn. During the process, I can make friends, help others. it is a good way to know the society and world. For instance, I joined clothes donation activity, blood donation activity. Also, I am an volunteer in program of teaching pupil.
3. 你觉得去上课有什么好处?
回答: 1. I can otain more opportunities to face to face to communicate with my professor. 2.the knowledge I learn in class is more comprehensive than by myself.
4. 如果你是有些课上,有些课不上。那么是什么让你觉得那些课应该上?
回答: 1.because thoes courses fit my interested areas. For instance, I selected psychology course, legal English, because I am interested in them. 2.these courses relate to my career area. I want to be a lawyer in the future, thereby, I learn laws in China. when I enter into society, I can use the tool to help my clients. 3. because professors are so practicable and professional,which leds to my choice. As the saying gose, a good teacher excels reading 100 books. When I was a junior, my professors who taugh international trade law and private international law have an effect on my major course.
Education is one of moest popular topic in society, Parents always want their children to go to the best school to learn knowledge, Attending class is the common form in school between students and teachers, which now are undergoing a debate. Should students go to class be required or have options? Some assert that students should be required to attend class, because they can learn knowledge systematic and they can have more opportunities to communicate with their professors face to face. Others believe students should have options to go to classes. In my opinion, students should attend classes be required.
In university the courses' design and developement are chaged every lesson. Students absorb knowledge different and coherent in every lesson even every semester. If students alwyas have options to go to classes, it will result their study. It can be sure that the knoeledge they required are segmental and incoherent. For a long run, it is not beneficial for students' grow and study. For example, students attend math course, which includes knowledge of calculation, geometry,etc. If students go to math class be optional, they will not catch the pace.
Students go to class be required, who can have steady time and chances to communicate with their professors face to face. It is a precious opportunity to improve their communication skill and absorb more knowledge, For example,   I attended international trade law when I was a senior, I took  chances to communicate with my professor. Everytime, not only could I learned much more knowledge, also learned how to ask question. It is a preciou experience for myself.
Nowadays, students lack of motivity to learn knowledge. There is a common phenomenon in class, that is, all of students attend to class in th beginning of class, then half of students come in the midterm. Why it happens? Because they lack motivity to attend classes. Therefore, students should be required.
Even though students have options to go to classes, who can have plenty of time to do what they like to do and have chances to attend extracurricular activities, they will hesitate to choose what they want to do and avoid to learn more knowledge, Consequently, students should go to classes be required.
Students go  to classes be required, in some degree, maybe a little reluctant. However, it is beneficial for students to learn knowledge more systematic and achievement. Students will have more chances to communicate in theire study. It also help students to reform a good habit. Hence, students should be required to go to classes.
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