GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:尹谦豫
Learning is primarily a matter of personal discipline; students cannot be motivated by school or college alone. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE223"Education is primarily a personal matter; it has little to do with school or college"。题目讨论教育相关性的问题,题目认为学习和个人更有关,同学校没有多少关系。分析的过程中,可以从学习的目标、学习形式、学习内容、个人与学校之间的关系以及对学习的重要性等方面展开思路。对于此题这种对比型的题目(个人和学校之间对比),需要注意不应该孤立得去说二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 学习和个人的关系是什么?学习在个人成长、生活、工作中起到了哪些作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 学习和个人是两个紧密相连的主体,缺一不可,学习不能离开人,人没有学习也无法生存。学习在成长中使人具备各种知识,学习科学知识让人学到理性知识,比如物理化学天文这些真理一样的知识,更好的去改变世界;学习处理人际关系等等让人学到感性知识,如与上司打交道,更好的在社会生存
2. 学校在学习中扮演什么样的角色?学校能为学生的学习提供哪些条件?请举例并简述。
回答: 学校一个是提供强制性的学习动力,在法律的允许下迫使某人学习,使其受教育,因为为受教育的人可能拖累社会。学校也为学习提供场所,是人处于一种竞争环境下,自然的获得学习动力。学校提供老师、书籍、场所、以及交流机会。各种观点可以在学校讨论并获得发展
3. 除了在学校中接受教育,还可以通过哪些途径进行自我学习?
回答: 从父母或前辈得到理论知识。而实践知识更多的是通过课外获得,即学校之外的场所。如工厂里面生产、手工作坊加工工艺品,这些是书本理论知识很难学到的
4. 完全脱离学校的个人学习对哪些人适用,对哪些人不适用?请举例并简述。
回答: 脱离学校的学习对成年人有用,他们已经有很强的约束力,并且有足够的理性安排自己的学习计划,能够合理安排学习内容。而未成年人特别是小学生等等,人生观价值观尚未形成,应该通过引导方式获得更好的教育
5. 在教育的过程中,如何调整教育和个人以及和学校之间的关系最有效果?请结合不同学科和不同需求,举例并简述。
回答: 这是和学科有关联的,学校更多教授的理论知识,因此不能作为教育的全部,学生应该放学后有充分的时间实践学到的理论知识并探究新的知识。比如物理,课上学的力学只是物理公式和画图,学生可以在课后尝试修模型房子等等尝试运用力学知识
It is my own, correctly opinion which is sometimes neglected by some educator and viewer that learning and person who learns are two main subjects that cannot be divided and study isolated. So does the speaker's idea thus I partly agree with student cannot be motivated by school and college only because some knowledge we cannot learn from college. Self-study is an important skill for us, but I also regard school and college are significant role in our learning that is equivalent with self-learning.
First, concerning about knowledge we learned, my opinion is primarily from the stand of my philosophy idea that all of our human knowledge can be divided into two parts, one is scientific knowledge and another is social knowledge. The purpose and content of scientific knowledge is to discover the truth of the nature, such us physics and mathematics. And purpose and content of social knowledge is to satisfy human need such as art, and how to live better with others. scientific knowledge can be taught in school because truth cannot be changed easily. However social knowledge cannot or almost cannot be taught in school but mainly through experience. For example, physics and math can be taught in class, and more effective through school because teachers know how students can acquire these mechanical knowledge better. But, when comes to art, especially handcraft work such as how to make chinese and pottery, they cannot be taught in class but by learning from master. So each kind of learning way can cover certain parts of knowledge, they are not exclusive. That is why Self-study and school teaching are equivalently important.
Second, Not all people can acquire knowledge by self-learning. Some people can be better taught and guided then motivated by school. Comparing adult with pupils, adult have their own matured value and they can better decide what to learn and how to or by what kind of method or under whose help they can learn better. However pupils without mature value are not able to control themselves that study in school is a better choice. School provide good resource for learning such as teachers, books, classrooms, and provide opportunities to exchange ideas. More over, school, under the protection of specific laws, can coerce students to learn and generate a atmosphere of competition under which students are willing to learn to defend their self respect. So each kind of learning way have their customer fitting with. Overemphasizing each kind of learning way bay cause absence of method for other parts of people.
Third,  If managed well, these two ways together will promote people' study because the two ways can coexist that undermining each part of them will cause potential hazards to education then students without enough competitiveness will be cultivated due to loss of certain parts of knowledge. So student must have their class to learn scientific knowledge and acquire theoretic supply for work. Also they must have self-study thus to experience what they have learned and explore and pre-learning more knowledge that inverse promote study in school class. And what they cannot learn from class is how to get along with others in social life. In this way, they must try hard themselves and school can help little. The two kinds of learning way are equivalent thus cannot be simply judged for which is better.
It is true that student cannot be motivated alone by school and self-study is crucial in learning. Speaker exaggerated  the role they play and undermine the importance of school education unfairly.They are of equal importance and emphasizing on each part without detachment can cause deformity of education.
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