TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:晨予987
【IBT机经-1】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else.
1. 在我们的日常生活和社会历史中,获得成功的人都应该具备那些素质?这些成功人士是和其他人一样呢还是与众不同呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 成功人士一般都比较有魄力,认准目标决不放弃。这些不是所有人都能做到的。比如,我们这的首富,做水产养殖,曾经四处借钱,导致连饭菜都买不起,需要邻居救济。
2. 成功人士的身上,哪些特点是具有普遍性的?那些特质是具有特殊性的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 普遍特点是非常努力。不论科学家,如爱因斯坦、诺贝尔还是居里夫人,还是艺术家比如帕瓦罗蒂都曾将一件事情重复了很多次,非常努力钻研,废寝忘食。而特殊的品质是因人而异的,比如梵高喜欢安静创作不需要打扰,而莫奈则更喜欢寄情山水风景,需要多出门。
3. 变得和大家相似会出现哪些结果?在什么情况下有助于成功?什么情况下不利于成功?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 变得和大家相似。利于成功的方面是,可以更合群,和别人更好地交流从别人身上学到很多东西。不利的方面是,过多交际比较浪费时间。
4. 变得和大家不同有哪些结果?在什么情况下有利于成功?什么情况下不利于成功?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 变得和大家不同有可能会导致两方面的结果。一方面,和大家不同,可能会受到孤立和排斥,不能更好地和别人交流,从而不能更好地从别人身上吸取优点。另一方面,也更有个性,不用疲于应付各种事物,能更专注于自己的工作。比如,不需要为了同伴去参加很多热闹party,节约时间。
5. 变得和他人一样也好,不一样也罢,对成功究竟能起到多大的作用?为了获得成功,除了题目中涉及的那方面问题,还需要那些优秀的品质呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 和别人一样活不一样不能起绝对性的作用。成功最需要的还是踏实、刻苦、用功和专注,这样才能真正获得成功。
Some people believe that one should be more like others in order to succeed. Being alike to others could indeed make a person in to a group, that could make a person more popular and acceptable. However, I do not agree with the idea. In my opinion,one could succeed even if he is not like others.
First of all, most people are like others , but only few of them could succeed. If you are more like others means that you are not better than other people. Washington built the new country other than Only the outstanding people could achieve success.Different and seminal lead to success. Second, some people are quite different from others, but they insist on doing what they concentrate and finally achieve success.  Edison took experiments again and again when other people stopped. Friedrich Schiller once said ,only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever aquire the skill to do diffcult things easily. Third, being different from others could save the time others cost on communicating with their partners.Time is money, Bacon said. Nowadays, time is cost more than money, we could say time is gold. Using the time other people wasted could also benefit the way to success.
In sum, although being like others benefit a lot for success, I conclude that being different can also lead to success.In this case, I did not agree with the idea that one should be more like others than be different from everyone else in order to succeed.
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