TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wii
【IBT机经-39】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: There is no reason to be impolite (rude) to the other people.
1. 讲文明讲礼貌对于在一个社会中的重要作用是什么?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 讲文明讲礼貌最重要的作用就是形成一个良好的社会风尚。提高整个国家和民族的素质。 每年的奥运会政府都要花很多的时间,下很大的力气去要求人民讲文明,例如不许乱扔垃圾,随地吐痰,还有在公交车还有马路旁要文明礼让。。。这些都是为了从实际角度改善一个民族的作风。
2. 大多数人从小受到的教育是礼貌待人,你是否赞同这种现象?请结合实际说明你的理由。
回答: 我是赞同从小就教育要礼貌待人的,因为我们每天都需要和别人相处,或与人合作,礼貌待人会创造出工作和学习以及生活的和谐气氛,这是有利于提高团队意识,和工作和学习的效率的。例如很多很大很强的公司都是非常重视办公礼仪的宣传和教育的,虽然这些宣传本身并不会创造实际的效益,但是它会让企业的员工更忠诚以及更加团结。
3. 请结合具体事例简述,你是否遇到过想对个别人以非常不礼貌的方式来答复或回击呢?
回答: 我有的时候的确会以一种很不礼貌的方式对待别人,尤其是我受到伤害了的时候。有些人在做某些事情的时候总是不怀好意。我觉得这个时候反击也是很重要的。例如我遭到无端的辱骂和人身攻击的时候。我的反抗通常也很强烈。
4. 为什么你会产生这种想法?请结合实际简述。
回答: 觉得反抗重要是因为在这些情况下反抗是一种保护自己的手段,而且只要自己可以保证不受到伤害,我通常不会去主动伤害别人。
5. 在这种情况下,你愿意以不礼貌的方式来还击,还是依然坚持以礼待之呢?请结合实际简述你的理由。
回答: 我始终认为在恶势力的面前装善良是非常不明智的选择。因为他们正是利用人们的软弱发动攻击的。在这个世界上的确是存在恃强凌弱的人,他们靠欺负和压迫弱小来维持他们所谓的地位和获得经济上的利益。我觉得对待这样的人就是要以暴制暴,因为靠礼节已经无法起到有效的作用。但是当我们制服罪犯,我觉得用公平的方式和尊重他们的礼节来对待他们可以使他们得到感化。
These days,with the rapid development of the economy,the average quality of living conditions is greatly improved.When there's nothing to worry about housing,necessaries for life,and heating during winters,people begin to pay attention to their behaviors.As for me,self-image is very important for individuals.Even for organizations,a good general image will benefit a lot.Therefore, I strongly believe that we should choose to be polite. 
To be specific,being polite is very useful and convenient in most cases.Because being friendly with others is actually an important part of our culture.If the majority of citizens can keep themselves from being rude,the whole country will show up a good mental outlook to the world.I still remember several years ago,when it's China's turn to hold the Olympic Games,the government put programs of teaching how to be polite as the first things to do.Even in our capital city,impolite behaviors such as spit around or talking loudly in public occasions are still very common.Fortunately,the training are effective enough,and our people are active to change their bad manners,We present a very good impression to both the foreign athletes and the tourists.
Most of us have been taught to be polite since we were children,for good manners would help  improve the efficiency while we are working or studying.Being polite to others would create a harmonious atmosphere.And having a good mood usually leads to perfect cooperation and interaction and so as to increase the team spirit.In fact,being polite will never be emphasized too much.Many corporations are running well because of treating rite training seriously.Although such spiritual training doesn't create concrete benefits,it favors the survival of those companies in the long run.That's because the public are prone to trust those companies with polite workers.And companies characterized by politeness are more likely to defeat their rivals.
I have to admit that sometimes being rude is a way to protect ourselves from being hurt.There is no use to be polite with a killer or a robber.They are dangerous and merciless.It is inevitable to be rude when people are fighting for their rights or trying to save their family members' lives.However I still agree with treating those crimes fairly and give them a chance to rebuild themselves when they are in prison doing their time.I believe humans virtue would eventually influence the lost souls successfully.
In sum,due to the tremendous amount of advantages bein brought by politeness and good manners,I am strongly determined to choose to be polite.With politeness,I am sure that our life in the future will full of happiness.
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