GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:joelon
Some people believe that government officials must carry out the will of the people they serve. Others believe that officials should base their decisions on their own judgment. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE45"Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carrying out the will of the people whom they serve"。题目你首先要搞清楚的是,政府官员有没有判断力与是否满足民众的意愿之间并没有必然的因果关系,思考政府官员判断力和群众意愿之间的关系。注意,尽量从宏观角度去思考政府职能,官员责任,群众特征等问题,而不要把思考范围局限在某个国家。
1. 描述一件民众意愿没有得到政府支持的事情,并分析为什么政府不支持这件事,为什么民众有这样的意愿?
回答: 在2012伦敦奥运会的时候,许多伦敦居民纷纷在奥运会期间离开伦敦避开来参加奥运会大量的人,在申奥的时候也有民众上街抗议拒绝举办奥运会,理由是给他们日常的生活造成了不便和影响,例如交通压力,景点游客增多。
2. 民众在提出意愿的时候通常会考虑到哪些因素?这些因素会对他们的决策带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 是否对其自身有利,对其家人有利,对其未来的生活和发展是否有有利。因一时的利益而阻碍国家整体的发展。如伦敦奥运会的确会给伦敦居民带来一定影响,但国家不可能为此取消奥运会,奥运会也能拉动旅游业等各项产业发展,吸引全世界关注。
3. 政府官员在做出决策时会考虑民众意愿么?通常他们会考虑哪些因素?请举例说明。
回答: 会考虑,考虑到民众对于政策调整的接受程度。如北京出租车再次涨价到13元起步的时候,举办听证会,听取民众意见每公里再多收2.3元还是2.6元
4. 政府官员依靠自己的判断力或完全服从民众的意愿在做出决策时会有什么好处?会有什么问题?请分别举例说明。
回答: 好处:更宏观的把握问题。比如一个城市全面修地铁,对于这个问题民间有许多猜测会不会地质不稳,破坏泉源,破坏风水都一系列问题,但政府决定修地铁一旦成功规划、听取专家意见专业设计,修成后,就会给交通带来巨大的便利。 问题:青岛种树…不合理,挡住海,桥下种,不科学种吹风倒等一系列问题。
5. 政府的职能是什么?官员和群众分别在政府职能中充当什么样的角色?他们有什么责任和义务?请举例说明。
回答: 为人民服务。政府官员应该以人民赋予的权利来为人民服务,公民配合官员合理的政策,为不合理的地方提出反对声音。如果政府官员的判断力永远是对的,那也就不需要听证会,投票等一系列需要人民意见参与的部门。我们也必须承认贪污、腐败,滥用职权的政府官员在每个国家都有。
The politics is not like the science, which is objective and it could follow some rules. when people talk about politics, different social classes have varies requriement and expecting, so in this passage, I just discuss the group which contain the desire for most of people. In my opinion, I prefer the second opinion that the government officials must carry out hte will of the people they serve, because the power gived by people should be used by listening more from people's asking.
Firstly, in most of time, every judgment from the government will benefit people, but sometimes an action with good starting point may go wrong without hearing the voice from people. mayor decided to plant more tree on my hometown, a lovely seaside city
Secondly, the public opinion polls is one the important way to evaluate whether the good or bad government is. the last leader in Taiwan, Chen Shuibian who was always claimed the opinion of the"Independence of Taiwan", which was not the most of people in taiwan would want to, even the corruption with his wife,let him lose the will of people and brought down the  "Democratic Progressive Party ".  If one party loss the will of people, it means it hare rare chance to establish govenment to serve people again.
However, in some country which the democratic awareness was highly develeped, people have chance to express their will than the developing country. At that time, people are more likely to think of their personal interests,so sometimes the government should insist their own judgement. In the 2012 Olympic Games, the resident in london
For some suggestion such like build subways, viaduct or some big building, it may bring inconvenient for people temporary, but it may bring convenient in the future. As for people, everyone have the duty to help the development of a country, actually the living condition is for everyone, the suggestion from us must be take consideration carefully.
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