TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:熊ruojun
【IBT机经-29】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life.
1. 电影的种类丰富,能教会我们生活东西的电影一般指那一类的电影呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: there are varities of movies come to our life in rencent years. For example, The Forrest Gump which is one of famous movies tells us that if we have a goal, we should do our best. Even though how many times we fail, we can't give up and the success will come right after the last try. There is no doubt that we can learn something about real life through this kind of movie
2. 这种电影教会了我们哪些东西呢?请举例说明。
回答: These movies can not only tell us what is the real life, but also we can combine these theories or experience with personal circumstance.
3. 还有哪些其他种类的电影?请举例说明。
回答: However, science fiction film is also important in our society. For instance, Avatar which is the top grossing movie in the world. It asks us to see that everything is connected, all human beings to each other, and us to the Earth.
4. 人们看电影的目的是什么呢?除了学到东西之外,还有别的目的吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: Admittedly, watching movie is a good way to learn something about real life. I remember Confius, greatest Chinese philosopher and educator, commented," We should aways have a intention of leaning knowledge." I agree with him because you have better efficiency after you do like this. Whereas, I wonder we can't have a purpose of learning all the time. Movie is largely responsible for the discovery of creating more happiness in life. That is another importance why I love watching movie.
5. 有的电影讲述的是一小段故事,有的电影是记录一段历史,还有的电影是传播某种知识,不同的电影有不同的主题,你觉得划分电影是否值得看的标准是什么呢?
回答: Different movies have different themes and some people argue that movies should divide to different kinds. In that case, man can judge whether the film is worth of watching or not. In my opnion, if I feel positive energy after seeing a movie, we deserve to watch it.
Nowadays,  we can enjoy a richer cultural life. Watching movies is a popular life-style in our spare time and more and more people argue that it is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life.  I disagree.   Firstly, there are varities of movies come to our life in rencent years. For example, The Forrest Gump which is one of famous movies tells us that if we have a goal, we should do our best. Even though how many times we fail, we can't give up and the success will come right after the last try. There is no doubt that we can learn something about real life through this kind of movie.    Secondly, different movies have different themes and some people argue that movies should divide to different kinds. In that case, man can judge whether the film is worth of watching or not. In my opnion, if I feel positive energy after seeing a movie, we deserve to watch it. These movies can not only tell us what is the real life, but also we can combine these theories or experience with personal circumstance.   However, science fiction film is also important in our society. For instance, Avatar which is the top grossing movie in the world. It asks us to see that everything is connected, all human beings to each other, and us to the Earth.   Admittedly, watching movie is a good way to learn something about real life. I remember Confius, greatest Chinese philosopher and educator, commented," We should aways have a intention of leaning knowledge." I agree with him because you have better efficiency after you do like this. Whereas, I wonder we can't have a purpose of learning all the time. Movie is largely responsible for the discovery of creating more happiness in life. That is another importance why I love watching movie.   In a word, I disagree it is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life.
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