GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:何小夏奋战考试要加油
The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE170"The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people"。题目讨论国家伟大的体现形式问题,题目认为相对于个人成就,全面福利才是国家伟大的最真实体现。在分析的过程中,可以从统治者、艺术家、科学家的个人成就以及全民福利都可以展现国家哪些方面的内容,这些展现的表现形式、彼此之间的关系以及概括性、真实性等方面展开思考。需要注意: 1、无论在论述统治者、艺术家、科学家的成就还是全民福利,论点都应该在讨论的是the surest indicator; 2、题目给出的是achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists而不是国家的艺术科技政治水平,分析要针对某人的 achievement; 3、对于此题这种对比型的题目,需要注意不应孤立得去分析二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 请列举历史上的几个伟大国家、这些国家统治者、艺术家、科学家的成就以及全民福利情况。并分析这些内容在我们了解这些国家的过程中起到的作用。
回答: 英国的鼎盛时期国家的统治者是伊丽莎白一世、。英国通过航海、殖民地运动和贸易逐渐掌握了全世界最多的殖民地,是历史上的伟大国家之一,那时英国积累了很多财富,艺术科技都全面发展,全民福利也提高了
2. 统治者、艺术家或者科学家的成就和国家伟大程度之间的关系都有哪些?请结合具体国家、人物以及其成就分析并简述。
回答: It is the coutry's leader that make policy to create a better environment for these new inventions' creation. The scientists made the modern inventions, such as computer, cellphone radio, which dramtically changed our lives. Without the artists, we can never enjoy the wonderful paintings which serve to lift the human sprit.
3. 全民福利和国家伟大程度之间的关系有哪些?请结合具体国家和当时的全民福利情况分析并简述。
回答: 成正比。国家越伟大,全民福利越好。在经济大萧条时期人们关心的主要问题是温饱问题,可能全民福利就比较差,但是现在的美国发展的越来越好,福利政策也越来越完善
4. 同全民福利相比,统治者、艺术家或者科学家的成就在反映国家是否伟大的时候,是否存在局限性或者不合理的地方?如果没有,为什么?如果有,请举例并简述。
回答: 存在局限性,因为统治者艺术家和科学家都只是特殊的个体,并不能代表所有人的情况。
5. 还有哪些标准或者条件可以反映国家的伟大程度?这些内容同全民福利相比,有哪些优势和不足?是否全民福利是对国家伟大程度最真实的反映?
回答: 科技水平和经济实力,还有文化软实力,法律制度,教育医疗,还要有公民的平均指标,平均收入,平均占地,平均消费指数,平均寿命等。优势:有助于整个国家作为一个整体在世界上获得更高的国际地位;不足:这些方面的进步不一定使平民百姓受益
A great nation should be prosperous in economy, democratic in politics, affluent in culture. Based on the above criteria, I agree with the author with certain reservations: the greatness of a nation should not be judged just on general well-being, but also marked with great individual achievements. Because the greatness of a nation is clearly marked by contributions from both its eminent individuals and ordinary populace. Moreover, the achievements of individuals actually exert influence on the welfare of the masses. Admittedly, the general populace's welfare should be the primary concern of any nation pursuing greatness. After all, it's the ordinary people who make up the largest population of a nation. Thus they largely determine the economic and cultural climate of a nation. Their dissatisfaction with the politics may throw the nation into turmoil; their long-term unemployment may essentially hamper the nation’s economic growth; their lack of liberality may hinder the development of diverse cultures. In other words, nation in pursuit of greatness cannot afford to ignore its people’s general welfare, since they are the basis for the stability, economic prosperity and cultural diversity of a nation. Despite the public’s paramount role in establishing a great nation, one should not ignore that one of the feature of a great nation, prosperity in economy, is directly related to scientific achievements made by eminent scientists.Sustainable economic growth actually comes from technological advances and scientific breakthroughs. For instance, scientists in Silicon Valley strive to provide the world with increasingly efficient and useful appliances, such as iPods and Microsoft system software, brought America striking economic development. In addition to scientists’ contribution to economic prosperity, they actually help facilitate the public’s well-being. Clearly, technology advancement offer people comfortable and efficient life, conducing to their well-being. Specifically, the advent of the airplanes, microwaves, and the computers signals the significant improvement of quality of peoples’ life. The talented artists of a nation also help to make the nation great by equipping it with cultural influence. The Roman Empire, for example, is generally considered a great nation partly because of its excellent architecture, such as the Coliseum, the marvelous building attracting thousands of tourists every year. When people marvel at the majesty the Coliseum, they could easily conceive the greatness of the Roman Empire. Meanwhile, as scientists do, fine arts can improve the welfare of the masses by providing them with aesthetic pleasure and enlightening experience. The political leaders of a nation also help to render this nation great, by promoting harmony of society, freedom of mind, and democracy of politics. It’s questionable to label a nation as a great one if it has a tyrannical and autocratic ruler. On the contrary, a liberal and efficient leader can make a country a better place, leading its people to a brighter future. One example is Roosevelt: wisely using new regulations, he successfully led the Americans to come through the great Depression of the 1930s. Notably, the public’s cooperation and involvement is indispensable for the success of the policies. That above all means that only by combining both individual achievements and general welfare can a nation approach greatness. The personal accomplishments are no less important than the general well-beings because they conduce to both material comforts and spiritual enjoyment of the public
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