TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:左岸香颂
【IBT机经-17】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The ability to adapt to a new environment is more important than excellent knowledge for a job.
题目讨论的是哪种能力对于工作来说更重要,写作的关键在于分析这两个不同能力的特点和作用是什么, 写作的难点是找出实际生活中相对应的工作。
1. 一个新环境往往具备哪些特点?人们适应一个新环境的过程往往是怎样的?这个适应过程是只有少数人具备的吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 新环境往往不熟悉,有新的硬件设施,也有不熟悉的人。适应新环境往往需要较长的时间,多数人都是这样。
2. 专业知识的重要作用是什么?它能够帮助我们做好哪些事情?请结合实际简述。
回答: 帮助我们在专业领域充分了解,在找工作中发挥优势,实际工作充分发挥,减少麻烦。因为专业知识丰富,运动员能够在赛场拥有常人无法拥有的成绩。
3. 什么样的工作要求我们适应环境的能力更强些,为什么?这些工作有什么样的特点?请结合实际简述。
回答: 工作需要经常调动,或者经常需要外出的工作。因为出差地点不固定,会有不同的环境。
4. 什么样的工作需要我们具备出色的专业知识?专业知识是如何帮助我们做好这些工作的呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 工作比较稳定,而且需要深入挖掘的工作。例如财务人员和投行分析员。
5. 干好一份工作需要哪些方面的能力?上述两种能力以外,其他方面的能力对于工作起到什么重要的影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 适应环境,沟通能力,学习能力,合作精神。影响到工作的效率和自己的职业晋升。
When a firm is recruiting a person who will fit the requirments of the demanding position,it always hopes the candidate has already mastered a variety of skills,such as interpersonal management skills,excellent knowledge for the job ,the ability to adapt to a new environment and so on.From many different perspectives,I believe the ablility to  adapt to a new environment is more important.
During the promotion process,the adapation ability is necessary.A person will always be promoted to a different division.And in the new environment,there will be unfamiliar colleages and different work task.All of these require you to be a fast learner so that you will finish your work effectively.Take my former boss for example,he was not the most intelligent guy in our department,but he was really the one who could adapt to new environment fast.He was promoted to several distinguished departments,and he is the vice president of the company now.It is obvious that the adaptation ability benefits his career.
when there is need to change the job,the adaptation ability can also lead to different working effeciency.the new job always envolves life change,moving to new city or getting rid of past tranportation.when a person can not get familiar with the new envronment quickly,they may feel upset and tired,which may cause unsatifatory working status.According to a surwey by some famous magazine in mainland,80% of the interviewees complain that it will take a while to adapt to the new working place to behave as they were in the former company.
the adaptation ability is also demanded by business trip.People are always not aware of the place where they are going.It is very likely for them to be somewhere they have never been to.The climate and accomodation might enable them to feel uncomfortable.However,the work needs them to behave normally.So it is natural to act like before.
Admittedly,excellent knowledge of a job is helpful in some positiosns,such as accountant and analyst of investment banks,but more jobs will face unexpected challenges and then knowlege is not the most important thing in this situation.the adaptation ability will facilitate the career more.
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