GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:李知潇
Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society.
1. 对于你所处的社会环境,什么事是有利的,什么又是不利的?请举例并简述。
2. 竞争都存在于社会生活、发展的哪些方面?请举例并简述。
3. 在经济、商业、法律、政治、体育、教育、文艺、生物等领域,过去的竞争产生过什么样的结果?可分别举例说明。
4. 如果社会上没有了竞争机制,会产生什么结果?相反过度扩大竞争机制的后果会是怎样的?
It’s hard say competition is more beneficial or more detrimental to our society. In my point of view, the competition could benefit us, also it could bring some unpredictable results to us.
Competition is the essential driving force of each individual. People are born with burning desire to success, therefore, we compare. And through the compare we will figure out the difference between us and others, notice our deficiency and others’ merits and learn to erect it. Juveniles in school compete with each other on grades which help them develop into a erudite, and competition on the socialize in Student Union help the young to foster the characteristics such as leadership, confidence, self-discipline and also brodern their horizons on the other side. To the adult, as the severe rivalry exists around them, the weaker one would be superseded easily, which lead to a well-developed society.
Society likewise benefits from such to competition, not only from the individuals, mentioned above, but also from the rivalry between countries. For instance, China has experienced the vitality of this competitiveness in the past decade since adoption of the ”Reform and Opening Up” policy, more and more foreign companies and brands settled in China, which definitely bring lots of competitions. The general public receives the direct benefits of such competition, if the companies want to appeal to and contend for the customers, they will produce higher-quality products or services. What’s more, the competition also be among the science research field, the higher-developed technology, the stronger the country is. The space program Shengzhou Spaceship in China, for example, or the medical JISHU, all these developments derived from the high press of competition between countries.
Admittedly, competition indeed brings us large amounts of benefits. However, if we place too much emphasis on the result, the competition could be a negative one and can only lead to a harmful, downward social trend. So it is crucial to recognize that the most important outcome of competition is self-improvent and cooperation, but not undermine each other. The competition is a talent and ability rivalry, as well as a characteristic one. In the rivalry, the rivals need help each other, learn from each other, encourage and abet each other, and ultimately develop knowledge, accumulate experience, improve the rate to success.
In conclusion, we should hold a right attitude toward competition, keeping in mind that the nature of a competition is a desire to win on one side and have a will to cooperate and learn from the competitors on the other side.
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