TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:syangnemo
【IBT机经-13】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, using e-mail or text messaging is better than using telephone or voice-messaging.
题目非常贴近人们的日常生活,因而和题目相关的例子不在少数。题目的前提条件是讨论有争议的问题,所以要围绕这件事情的特点来展开,破题的关键在于将题目拆分成三个小单元“upsetting or controversial problems(令人讨厌的或有争议的问题)”、“e-mail or text messaging(发送电子邮件或发短信)”“telephone or voice messaging(打电话或发送语音信息)”,讨论每个小单元的典型特点,加以联系即可。
1. 一般情况下,人们进行讨论会采取哪些方式,请结合具体事例分别说明?如果是你,你会采用题目中涉及到的一些方式来进行讨论吗,为什么?
回答: 文字形势,如信件邮件,或者通过语言,面对面进行讨论,I prefer to discover by email.
2. 令人讨厌的和有争议的问题有什么特点?请结合实际简述。
回答: they are complex and involving many aspects. for example,some people do not agree to build a factory near the commodity, because the factory may pollute the air and emit effluent. but others believe that building a factory can promote the economic level. both aspects have their reasons which lead this problem becoming complex.
3. 人们一般讨论上述问题的时候会出现哪些情况?请结合实际简述,如果是你在讨论这种问题,你会选择哪种方式?你会选择上述之外的方式吗,请具体说明?
回答: they can not figure out the advantages and disadvantages clearly. or they cannot organize their reasons logically. so when i am discussing this problem, i will chose discussing by email.
4. 电子邮件和发短信有哪些特点?我们一般用它来解决什么问题?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: by email, people can well organized their opinion and list out the advantages and disadvantages clearly, meanwhile, email can be preserved in mailbox, which is convenient and efficient, because you can check the email at liberty and you can distinguish them well ordered. meanwhile, you can sent email to others and it is a good way to separate your ideas.
5. 打电话和发语音信息有哪些特点?这种方式用来讨论题目中的问题合适吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: making a phone call and taking a voice message is also convenient, but they require a quiet environment or others can not recognize your opinion clearly. besides, if you are not a man with a good eloquence, making a phone call or taking a voice message may be not a smart choice for you, since it is entirely possible that others cannot understand what your mean or you cannot present your ideas pellucidly.
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