TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:syangnemo
【IBT机经-24】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team.
题目的难点在于如何将你的观点言之有理地表达出来。这个题目给出了一个判断“Unity of ideas adds much quality to teamwork, while various ideas do not.(观点的统一会增加团队合作的质量,而不同观点却不能。)”分析这个题目的关键在于你对意见不同和意见一致对团队合作的作用分别是什么。在生活中,人们所持的观点不同是一个很常见的现象,这到底是一件好事还是一件坏事,是分析这个题目时需要注意的。其次,应该注意,题目强调的“团队“,写作时应该围绕着这个来展开。
1. 一个团队成功需要哪些条件?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: a successful team needs cooperation. if teammates do not cooperate, they can not achieve success, because they cannot force on one point. consider, when the major people of a team decide to hold a party in Christmasday, while some of them do not want to follow others. Therefore, the team is seperated by these different opinions. It is entirely possible that this party will be screwed up.
2. 请谈谈你对“不同意见“的理解?人们在什么情况下,会产生不同意见?请结合实际简述。
回答: Different opinions are caused by different perspective, since no one is perfect, their eye sight will be restricked by some factors to some extend. when you are doing an experiment, you and your assistant maybe hold different opinions, in that you bacholor major was biology and his major was chemistry. Different background raises the debate.
3. ”持有不同意见“等于”矛盾阻碍“吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: Holding different opinion is not a obstacle for a team, because differnt opinion is precious, they are the achievement of cooperation. Only every member of a team has his own idea and opinion, a team can be promoted and succesful. we should look no further than the case of Apple, when they are designing a new cellphone, they have to discuss for numberous times, including the design of appearance and improvements of operating system.
4. 团队成员持有不同见解对与团队成功会起到阻碍作用还是促进作用,请结合具体事例简述。
回答: the teammate who holdes diffierent opinions can inspire you, in that probably they realized some factors that you ignored. Listening to their advices can improve your decision. there was a time that my assistant gave me a piece of advice about the experiment, he also gave the specific reasons. After a careful deliberation, I accepted his advice in that it is better than mine.
5. 持有相同意见的成员组成一个团队会成功吗?如果会,为什么?如果不会,请结合实际说明你的理由。
回答: Of course we can team up with others who hold different opinion. I think if we can cooperate and communicate well, we can make profits from the coopertation.
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