TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:haha_340
Many people have a close relationship with their pets. These people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你曾经养过宠物吗,你与他们的关系如何?
回答: 养过金鱼,我和他们的关系一般。刚开始觉得金鱼很漂亮,兴冲冲买了几只,可是后来每天都要给他们换水觉得特别麻烦。
2. 为什么一些人视动物为家庭成员?
回答: 1个人兴趣爱好,有人天生对动物十分喜欢,充满爱心。2有些人特别是年迈的老人由于子女不在身边,或者老伴不在了,感到孤单寂寞,以此来寻找心灵的寄托。
3. 将宠物看作家人一般会有什么坏处?
回答: 1宠物身上有寄生虫,与他们过于亲密容易被传染疾病。2投入大量的金钱,造成不必要的浪费。3人总是和宠物在一起会缺乏和周围人们的交流,变得孤僻,无法与他人很好的相处。
Animals are good friends of we human beings. Keeping pets not only brings people pleasue, but also smooth their life. Some people treate them as their family members, while others object this kind of behaviors. To me, this behavior has both advantages and disadvantages, and whether it is suitable depends on specific situations.
It is obvious that treating them with such care can eliminate their loneliness. In modern times, competiton in society is so fierce that many people face various pressures. To survial in this society, many people go away from their home to make money. As a result, their parents are left lonely. Without children's accompanying, their life become flat and they need someone to turn for. As a result, pets come into their life, as a supplement of their children and a place for consolation. Therefore, in this case, treating pets as family members can be accepted.
However, there indeed exists negative influence of it. Too intimate relationship with pets may result in diease, for pets often bring many parasites with them. Moreover, if the pets are quite wild and ferocious, the results might be more horrible. For example, an little Indian girl loves vipers very much and keeps one as her pet. She sleeps with it, have meals with it, and play with it. In the 5 years getting along with it, she once was bitten by it many times, and she nearly loses her life. So we had better think it over on the matter of pet choosing.
In addition, treating pets with such love is likely to keep people away from communication with other people. Considering the limited energy and love of people, more time spent with pets always means less time getting along with friends, colleagues and so on. They are likely to confine themselves into a cramped space. As time gose on, they might even lost abilities to communicate with others. In a word, the influence of it varies based on different conditions.
Although regarding pets as family members is a good chocie for the old, it does no indicate that it suits everyone well. We also should take safety, personality and many other factors into consideration.
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