TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘毅
Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people's lives. O automobiles O bicycles O airplanes Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你和周围朋友一般都使用这三种的哪个交通工具?
回答: Bicycle is frequently used by My friens. Because our campus are to large to walk for classes. Bicycle makes our campus life easier and more efficient
2. 它与其他交通工具相比有什么特点?
回答: First of all, it is the chapest transportation and most convenient. Automobile will be affected by traffic jam and airplane always can be late for the bad weather
3. 自从有了这种交通工具,人们的生活有了什么变化?
回答: More physical exercises. More communicating.
4. 如果没有这种工具的出现,那会有什么后果?
回答: In our school, lost time on the road. More traffic jam
Our ancestors must be very jealousy about our life today for that we have various vehicles to go somewhere. By riding to school, students save more time to concentrate in their studies. With the air plane, businessmen in global companies meet their clients around the world. And automobile, as most frequently used transportation vehicle by most people, has greatly changed our lives.The automobile promotes people's communication. With it's help, people are more willing to visit friends who are too far away to walk or ride there. As a result, we have more close friends and more strong bonds with relatives. Then life will become easier and happier with various intimacy relationships. In china, people usually visit all their relatives in the chinese lunar new year. Without helping of automobile, it would be an laborious work and many far away sisters, brothers, uncles and aunts could never be visited. As times go by,then  the relationship would be superficial for the lack of face to face communication.Automobiles bring more convenience to people in their daily life. Can you imaging a day without automobile? You have to get up earlier for walking or riding to company in the morning and back home in the evening with an exhausted body. And if you boss asks you to pick a important client up from airport, only god knows how to get there. We are so lucky that the geniuses had invented automobile. Today, moving company can handle any trivial affairs by using motorlorries after you pick a new address up and a boy can send a big bunch of roses to his love who lives in the opposite side of the town just in a few hours.In addition, automobiles also make our life enriched and colorful. So many people are fascinated by Formula One Grand Prix(F1) world championship. The race is so exciting and It feels excellent for a man when he enjoys chasing the amazing speed. Also, the automobile exhibition gives people a chance to appreciate those stuff that combine the most inovative technoques with the most imposing visual arts and, of course, hot girls.Altough sometimes we are furious about the traffic jam and the environmentalist criticizs about air pollution caused by automobiles, those convinience and impacting which automobiles have brought to our life have greatly changed our life style. We could never abandoned it.
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