TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘毅
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
1. 你生活中有哪些地方你很满意?具体描述一个。
回答: I have many friends, whenever I am in trouble, they will help me. So I feel I am the the happiest one in this world and I'm stisfied with it.
2. 你生活中有哪些地方你不满意?你是想要更多还是想要不一样的东西?具体描述一个。
回答: Of course I want somthing more. Just like money, My money are all from my parents. Put a another word, I have no money. I want to learn English in the Wall Street, But it is too expensive. What's more, I want beautiful clothes and shoes.
3. 你觉得你是个容易满足的人吗?换个人处在你的环境,你觉得他会满意吗?为什么
回答: I have no idea. May be I'm easy to be satisfied because I'm not greedy. I always care about my friends and never thinking about get more close friend. If someone else has the same situation with me, he may be satisified in some aspects and want more about other.
In many movie, just like the Se7en-an American film, human beings are always greedy, they never satisfied with what they already have and always want more. However, not everything goes like that, although indeed people are chasing more beautiful dresses or a greater achievement dispite they are almost perfect.
It is human's nature that they want a better life. So people never fail to unstisfied and a great deal of man are working hard to earn more money so that they can buy a bigger house or an expensive roadster. As well, some women dreaming to marry a  millionaire so that they can buy more beatiful dresses, shoes or Famous-Brand perfumes. Take an extreme case, Big S, one of most sucessful actresses in china, once said, she have more than five hundred shoes and his shoe cabinet is large engough for three people to sleep there, but she is still desair to buy more in oreder to make a own museum of shoes.
The unsatisfy is more common for althelet. In each new Olympic game, there always some one break the record. And every year, innumerous althelet are training hard to get better record of themselves. Liu Xiang, for example, a famous hurdle althelet is still training hard to run faster today although he had ever broken the world record of hurdle in 2006.
Dispite all these instance that human beings never get enough, people always feel satisfied in some aspects just like a happiness family or a loving spouse. Rarely does people who has a gracious father and a goodness mother in a harmonious family want more father or mother. Also for a couple who really love eachother, neither of them may want more wife or husband in affection.
In conclusion, although human beings are greedy in some stuff like clothes or  achievement, with a happiness family, people always feel satisfied in their love.
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