GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:偏执狂.
The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题讨论历史研究的意义,题目认为其主要意义在于说明各个历史时期人们的生活是相同的。与本题很类似的老GRE题目ISSUE226--People are mistaken when they assume that the problems they confront are more complex and challenging than the problems faced by their predecessors. This illusion is eventually dispelled with increased knowledge and experience.对于本题,你可以从:是否存在错误观念、导致错误观念的原因、研究历史对其作用、表面生活形式之下的深层问题、对不同领域环境和环境下的问题的不同情况等方面展开分析。需要注意两点: 1、在讨论历史研究意义的过程中,不能无视题目限定的范围(各个历史时期人们的异同)而岔开话题自说自话——去列举其他研究历史的好处并且不和此范围做相关类比或对比; 2、在对比不同历史时期人们的生活的时候要有具体内容,言之有物而不是喊口号说空话。
1. 请举例描述现在人们日常生活、学习、工作中的三种情况,并和十年前、一百年前、一千年前的人们遇到过的情况进行对比。
回答: 遇到难题可以百度谷歌,可以通过网络上名师的课,可以直接索引不用慢慢地在图书馆找书,要出去旅行不用花个三个月在路上,即时通讯。等等。
2. 你是否认为生活在现在这个历史时期的人和其他任何历史其的人相比都有很大不同?如果是,那么差别在那些方面?如果不是,那么现在的人们和以前各个历史时期的人们有什么相似之处?请举例并简述。
回答: 很大不同。人们的生活方式,处事方式,交流沟通的方式,价值观人生观都不一样了。
3. 造成人们认为自己和其他历史时期的人有很大差异的原因是什么? (可从内因、外因两方面考虑)
回答: 文化的进步,科技的发展。
4. 历史研究可以带给人们哪些信息或方法?是否有了这些信息和方法就可以消除这种错误观念?
回答: 过去的经验。但是历史研究多少都会受到认知、技术的局限,而且也多少会带有一些主观因素在里面。
The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times.
With the help of the history study, now we are able to see clearly that our lives nowadays are significantly different from people in the earlier times, both in the aspects of living style and thoughts and ideas.
To begin with, the study of history could bring the differentiated life in the ancient times to us and make a comparison between it and the modern one. Thanks to the development and advancement of science and technology, now people's lives are much more convenient and colorful than that of the earlier times. Today people are able to communicate with friends in distance by phone or through Internet immediately, instead of sending mails and wait for couples of months for reply in the ancient times; today people are able to take a plane or train and reach even the other side of the earth in less than a week, instead of taking months to walk or ride horses to a distant place; today people are able to enjoy delicious food from almost anywhere in the world in their own country, instead of being available to only a few kinds of local food. The history study tells us that people are living an entirely different life with that people lived in the earlier times.
In addition, the study of history also reveals that the thoughts and ideology of people in ancient times are extremely distinct from those in the modern times. Along with the development of science and technology, the human cultures and traditions have changed significantly. For example, the social status of woman in ancient China is much lower than man. Women were forced to stay at home, do houseworks, obey their fathers and brothers before marriage, obey their husbands after marriage, obey their sons after the death of their husbands. In the minds of the ancient Chinese people, women were like properties of man, and almost did not have any legal rights. However, in the modern China, people's idea towards women has experienced a massive transition. Today, women could work with men, make their own choices, being who they are without the obligation of complying to men. There are even a group of women now are doing better than men in this modern world.
Although history study benefits us a lot by telling us how lives today are different with those in earlier times, it has its own limitations and shortcomings. Because of the insufficient knowledge and technology, historians are incapable of studying history thoroughtly and profoundly. There are still some blind sites and disputations of history. Also, for the reason that people can be influenced by their subjuectivities, historians might take their personal perspectives into the study of history to some extend. Therefore the study of history might be colored by historians from different backgrounds. It would be irrational and impractical for us to believe in the study of history completely.
In conclusion, by the studying the history, we are able to look more into the life in the ancient times and grasp the idea that people in the earlier times lived a differentiated lives with us in the modern world in both the aspects of life style, thoughts and ideology. But we should also be objective and rational when learning about the past through the study of history.
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