GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:ZHAO
It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.
1. 描述一个领导人向公众封锁消息的例子,并阐述这次封锁消息的行为带来了什么好处,或者有什么弊端?
2. 政治领导人为什么要向公众封锁消息?请举例说明。
3. 公众是否拥有了解所有信息的权力?请从法律的角度来举例说明。
4. 政治领导人的角色和责任与普通大众有什么不同?公众是否需要了解所有信息?如果不需要,哪些信息对于公众来说是可以被领导人封锁的?请举例说明。
5. 领导人对公众封锁信息会给社会发展、稳定等带来什么好处?带来什么弊端?请举例说明。
There is a conflict between whether political leaders should withhold information from the public. In my point of view, only in a few situations concerned with some citizens' privacy, national security and diplomatic secrets should political leaders withhold information. And in other situations related to public interests, political leaders should not.
In areas related to privacy, national security and diplomatic secrets, it will be inappropriate to publish the information. When a citizen's information such as ID number and address is revealed, it may cause potential trouble for him/her. When information concerned with national security, for example, the details of a nation's army, is open to the public, it will in turn put the country in danger. When a country's diplomatic strategy is opened, it will also make its interests ungguaranteed, especially in negociation. Therefore, it's necessary and desirable for political leaders to withhold these informatin from the public.
However, when it comes to information which will influence public interests, it should not be withheld, or it might bring harm to the society. For instance, the Chinese government blockade the information about the spread of the SARS diseaze, making increasingly more people infected because of lack of necessary knowledge and alert of self-protection. The blockage of information also cause more people's death indirectly. Thus political leaders should be aware of the importance of publishing information which is associated with social interests and not withhold these information.
Moreover, when political leaders are used to withhold information from the public, it may cause corruption and dictatorship. For exmple, In 1970's, the Chinese people are not aware of the informaiton about their country and blindly believe in their leader Mao Zedong, who advanced the Cultural Reform, bringing the nation and its people into a huge disaster. Currently,the Chinese people, not knowing some basicinformation about liberty and democracy, are still considering the government's extreem corruption as logical and natural. In fact, with the access to the information, the public would have been more awared. And the political leaders should not withhold these information.
To sum up, although in a few cases, it's necessary to withhold information from the public, in most cases, it will be both unnecessary and inappropriate. For society's well-being, political leaders won't be too discreet to decide what information should be withheld.
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