GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws.
1. 什么是法律?法律对于社会和人会起到什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: Law is a system of rules, constituted by the country. It is usually enforced through a set of institutions which provide rights and obligations of the people. 法律保证了社会的稳定和个人的人身和财产安全。例如:如果没有法律,我们可以不依靠劳动来挣钱,抢别人的就可以了。只存在抢的过和抢不过的区别。不会有抢完之后被依法抓起来的问题。
2. 正义的法律能对社会和人类做出什么贡献?请举例说明。
回答: 正义的法律保护社会的稳定和个人合法利益。例如选举权,选举权是人们最基本的权力,不管是富人还是穷人,不管是高官还是平民,不管是白种人还是非白种人,都有一样的选举权,这诠释了人人平等的概念。平等的选举权保证了国家的民主,避免了国家的独裁。
3. 什么是非正义的法律?它们给社会和人类带来了什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 非正义的法律是指那些只保护了少数人的利益,不平等的法律吧。带来的不平等,破坏了社会的稳定。 例如:……(貌似没例子呢)“因撰文称“用八卦推算出第十颗行星是荒诞不经的伪科学,著名学术打假人方舟子近日被宇宙八卦论的创始人、已故巴黎大学天文学博士刘子华的遗孀曾宇裳推上法庭。曾宇裳以侵犯逝者的名誉权为由,要求方舟子等6名被告赔偿精神损失等费用共计250万余元”.据悉此案已在北京中级人民法院开始审理。
4. 非正义的法律是否一无是处?如果不是,那么它的存在对于社会和人类有什么好处?请举例说明。
回答: 并不是,法律的正义不正义关键是看使用法律的方法。侵犯名誉罪也是为了保护人们的名誉,只是法律的不健全导致法律被用在了不好的地方。
5. 人们是否有抵制非正义法律的经历?如果有,请举例说明,并分析在抵制过程中人们付出了什么代价,得到了什么好处。
回答: 辛德勒的名单,和各种革命起义
Laws are important for our world. They provide a stable environment for people to live. Most of them are just laws that we should obey. However, it is undeniable that there are still some unjust laws that we should disobey and resist them. But it is the whole world not individual to judge whether laws are just or not.
First of all, what are laws? Laws are a system of rules, constituted by the country. They are usually enforced through a set of institutions which provide rights and obligations of the people. Laws guarantee the stability of country and protect the safety of life and property. Without laws, the word is not safe at all. For instance, people do some work to make money under the system of laws. If there is no more laws in the world, people may live by plunder. Because they may get a lot of money without hard work. Furthermore, they needn't worry about the punishment after plunder. The whole world will be disorder in the end. Therefore, laws are significant for the world. We need them.
Most of laws are just laws. They keep a quiet ordered, equal and democratic world and provide us proper rights and obligations. For instance, laws give us the right of vote which is our basic right. No matter rich or poor, political leader or ordinary people, white or black, people have the right of vote. They can elect favorite candidate with their will. The right of vote guarantee national democracy.
However, it is undeniable that there are still some unjust laws that people should disobey and resist them. Unjust laws serve for the will of the minority. They damage appropriate right of people and the equity and freedom of the world. One good example of why people should disobey and resist unjust laws is in German of Nazi era. In that era, Hitler made a series of laws which could be treated as unjust laws. Under the control of Hitler and his laws, mass of the Jews were killed optionally. Nazi can kill Jews and And there is no justice any more in German. Still, just people in German would like to disobey the laws and hide the Jews in their house. 
More and more people including several judges began to resist the laws in spite of the miserable results followed. If it were not for the resisting of people to the laws and Hitler, no success would be reached.
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