GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics.
本题讨论科技对习俗道德的作用,是大家经常犯一些典型错误的题目的,分析的时候应当注意:1、词义分析——social customs(behavioral expectations and cues within a society or group) and ethics(a set of moral issues or aspects (as rightness)),二者虽然彼此联系很紧密,但是在分析的时也要注意其中的区别,不少同学经常偏向某一方面去论述而忽视了另一点。同时,影响与决定的区别也要弄清。2、选取例子——克隆、安乐死、堕胎等等已经被用滥了,这个题目因为和习俗与道德有关,讨论范围很广,有很多事例是可以使用。3、逻辑方向——要注意题目在讨论科技对习俗道德的影响,是单向的。虽然可以引入道德习俗对科技的反作用,但这不能作为论述的主体部分,否则就把逻辑方向弄反了。4、深入思考——可以引入“人才是决定因素”的论点,但是要避免假大空的言论,一定要言之有物。
1. 研发科学技术的目的是什么?在科技方面都有过哪些著名成果?这些成果对伦理道德有哪些方面的影响,是如何影响的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 目的是为了更好的改进生活方式,变得更快捷更便利。 发明了计算机成为了一种便捷的计算和娱乐方式、研发出了胚胎干细胞用来治疗各种疑难疾病。
2. 科技和伦理道德之间有过合作或冲突么?如果有,请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 有 胚胎肝细胞为例 胚胎干细胞研究在美国一直是一个颇具争议的领域,支持者认为这项研究有助于根治很多疑难杂症,是一种挽救生命的慈善行为,是科学进步的表现。而反对者则认为,进行胚胎干细胞研究就必须破坏胚胎,而胚胎是人尚未成形时在子宫的生命形式。
3. 作为一个事物的决定因素,需要具有哪些不可替代的特性?对于社会习俗道德,科技是否具有这些特性?
回答: 供应和需求之间的关系,例如我们写程序目标在1个小时之内完成实验任务,这个时候就需要有一个足够强大的CPU的电脑。对于社会习俗道德,科技不具有这些特性。
4. 社会习俗和伦理道德最初是怎样形成的?都有哪些因素会影响习俗道德?
回答: 人们把认为是合理的行为应用于实践并且将这些传统教育于下一代。人们的思想、社会生活现状、教育等。
5. 如果没有了科技的影响,社会习俗和伦理道德会和现在有很大不同么?如果没有,为什么;如果有,会展现在哪些方面?
回答: 不会有很大的不同,只会有些许不同。例如不存在核技术、胚胎干细胞、克隆技术的道德争议。但是这些争议只是很小的一个方面,并不起决定作用。
It is no wonder that technologies influent social customs and ethics, but technologies are not the decisive factors. Actually, it is human that determine social customs and ethics.
First of all, some technologies have been known to influent customs and ethics, but they can just do that. Technologies' influence on customs and ethics come in a variety factors, ranging from clothing to food to house and traffic. In fact, technologies not only render a convenience life for people, but also bring a huge surplus of changes to us. For example, Chinese people used to go home to celebrate the Spring Festival with family, which is one of social customs in China. But technologies changed this social custom. More and more children who are not at home choose internet to celebrate this festival. They can share the happiness through online video chats or telephone. It is just technologies that bring this change. But technologies can not determine wether people will celebrate the Spring Festival or not. Because the Spring Festival is the most important festival according to Chinese social customs. If no technologies can help them to contract with family, they will seek through various means to arrive home before the Spring Festival no matter where they are. At the same time, social customs come from ancestor and people believe the Spring Festival is the time to share with family. Therefore, it is human themselves that determine social customs. 
Another example of how technologies influent social customs and ethics involves medicine. Embryonic stem cell is a kind of cells in our body. Advocates of embryonic stem cell frequently proclaim that research on it can cure some complex diseases in further. But opponents believe embryonic stem cell is a kind of human life. People's ethics standard is influenced by their own option. If there is no technology that can deal with Embryonic stem cell, there will be no conflict on it. Because it is an common ethics that no one can take away other people's life. Conflicts come from higher technologies: wether research on Embryonic stem cell equal to kill life or not. So technologies changed some people's ethics, but they can not determine ethics. In this case, the United States presented a serial laws to determine which forms of research on Embryonic stem cell is legal. And Europe also legislate laws to allow some limiting research on Embryonic stem cell. Thus, it is human that determine wether scientists can continue their experiments which have ethics conflict. It is human themselves that determine ethics.
Therefore, technologies can only influent social customs and ethics and the decisive factor is human.

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