GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people.
1. 你所处的社会都有哪些很有特点的思价值观?在生活中的衣食住行中会以何种方式展现出来?
回答: 追逐品牌,有的时候会出现“只买贵的,不买对的” 尤其在衣服上有所表现,会喜爱一些国际品牌,但是忽略了产品真正的好坏。在美国购买并带回国内的made in china的产品。吃的方面,只挑营养丰富的,出现了营养过剩的局面。
2. 一个人的态度和兴趣爱好都会通过何种方式展现出来?
回答: 喜欢的东西,比如年轻人比较赶潮流的心理则会出现关注苹果产品,人人都想买iPhone的状况。 关注的新闻,年轻人可能比较喜欢足球,就会经常关注欧洲五大联赛的新闻。比较关注民生,就会经常关注老百姓的新闻,如“谁爸是李刚”“钱云会和卡车……”
3. 个人态度和兴趣爱好与社会整体的思想和价值观有什么共同点和差异?
回答: 在大方面是相同的,比如2008年,全国关注奥运会,很是高兴奥运会在中国举行。但是一般人不会思考中国到底需不需要奥运会,奥运会到底给中国带来了什么。 也存在着差异,在大部分人视中药为国宝的时候,总是有少部分人在质疑中药。
4. 外在的表现能否合理准确表达内心的态度、爱好、思想、价值观?哪些地方会造成理解偏差?
回答: 需要有一定的场合下,才能合理准确的表达。在大环境的胁迫下,可能人们的观点和真实的想法有出入。
5. 如果你去某地旅游或和某人交朋友,如果不能去观察对方(人们)的长相、面部表情、衣着和行为,在交流的时候会有什么不便?
回答: 可能不确定对方是否赞成自己的观点,例如我们可能从对方皱眉头的表情上观察出对方可能不赞成自己的观点。如果对方穿着比较潮流,可以讨论一些现代的话题,比如iphone,如果是位朴素的老人,就不能讨论苹果产品是否好的问题。可能出现苹果4代和4袋苹果的笑话。
Can we tell much a society's ideas and values from the appearance and behavior of its people? I believe that people's attitudes and interests determine their look, dress, and act and their most appearance and behavior can reflect the ideas and values of a society.
First of all, it is no wonder that people's look, dress and act derive from their attitudes and interests. Attitudes and interests support people to do what they want and like to do. Products of Apple Inc. present a relatively case for demonstrate. Products of Apple Inc. come in a variety of kinds, ranging from MacBook to iMac to iPhone to iPad and iPod. They are very popular among young people because of their excellent performance and excellent design. For example, Macbook Air can be put into an envelope and iPhone is the most advanced mobile phone. Not only young people but also a huge surplus of adults and old people are involved in the final purchase. It is just because their interests in Apple products to support them to the final purchase. This is an excellent example of how interests drive people's act. Another example come from football. There is a huge surplus of football fans in the world. They like football, so they form the habit to pay close attention to the team which they advocate. To the team which they do not advocate, football fans often glance at the news and other things. Therefore, people's attitude and interests determine their look, dress and act.
Second, the same appearance and behavior of most people tell us a society's ideas and values. Different appearances and behaviors from different people can not be an evidence. But a society's ideas and values lay in a resource of the same appearance and behavior of different people. Chinese traditional medicine present a relatively case for discussion.  Chinese traditional medicine has been known to cure disease effectively in China. Most Chinese people believe that it is very precious and regard it as one of national treasures. They often use chinese traditional medicine to cure disease and in almost every hospital in China, there will be doctor to use chinese traditional medicine. Although chinese traditional medicine can not be evaluate in scientific measure in modern society, chinese people still chose it as one treatment. Chinese traditional medicine is their ideas and values. This is an excellent example of how people's appearance reflect a society's ideas and values.
So we can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people.
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