GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Wei Xu
National governments should devote more of their social programs and services to children than to adults.
1. 作为成年人,国家政府为你的工作、学习、生活提供了什么样的服务?请举例说明。
回答: 工作上不同的工作岗位,或者是发展经济提供更多的工作机会,学习上,各种图书馆书店讲座,生活公共设施,交通工具
2. 回忆一下,当你是一个孩子的时候,国家为你提供了什么样的服务?请举例说明。
回答: 医疗上,打预防针。学习上,九年义务教育。还有正对学生的各种活动,艺术节,展览
3. 孩子和成人有什么不同?比如生存能力,适应能力等。他们分别有什么优势和劣势?
回答: 孩子是要依赖于成年人才能生存,成年人一般来说是有自己的适应力。但是成年人的责任更大,做事情前思考的比孩子要多
4. 孩子和成人分别需要政府来提供什么服务?这些服务是否是必需的?
回答: 孩子主要是要保护他们的成长,保护他们的利益,给他们一个好的环境。成年人更多的是生活的基本。应该是必须的。
5. 如果未成年人没有得到政府的帮助,会有什么问题?如果是成年人呢?
回答: 未成年人不能更好的成长,社会的发展有可能受影响。成年人的话会引发社会问题,会阻碍现阶段社会的发展
In my point of
view, national government should devote their social programs and services to
both children and adults. Because both of these two need the national
governments' devotion and it will cause problems if either of them doesn’t get
enough social programs and services.


First of all, in
now day what the adult needs is important for the nation. So the governments
need to offer the social programs and services. A good example for this is
Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China and also the largest city in the
world. Millions of people live and work in here, and the population of the  of the city is keep growing due to the price
of the houses, many people live in the south but work in the north of the city,
for the houses' price in south is lower. So the traffic is a problem. People
need to travel cross the city to get to their companies. Some people take the
subway and some choose to drive. The government needs to build the new high
roads or the new subway lines to fit the needs. Without these, the traffic of
the city is going to be a big mess. This effort the government makes is mainly
for the adults. There are also many other things the government needs to solve
like if an adult lost his/her job, the government needs to help him/her to either
find a new job or give his/her money for temporary living. If the government doesn’t
severe adults well, the society won’t be stable. A prime example is if too many
people lose their job or not get enough money they deserve they will walk off
the job and cause even bigger problems. Like if the workers at the airport walk
off their job, the air traffic system to the city will be cut off, and many
passers have to stay in the airport.


The governments
should also need to devote their efforts to the children. As we know, children
are the future of our nation. The children today are the adults of tomorrow.
And if the services and social programs that the national government gives to
children is not good enough, it will cause problems, too. For example, the children
need to go school when their come to the age of six in China. But if the
government has not built enough schools and there are no enough teachers teach
in the schools, some children may not have the chance to get the education. As
we know, education is very important for a nation because it passes the wisdoms
from generation to generation and without education the society will stop
progress. So it will be a disaster if the children don't have enough social
programs and services.


Additionally, when
national governments devote themselves to social programs, sometimes both the
adults and children can get benefit from them. A good example for this is now
our national government has built many natural parks in the city, and people
can visit them for free. So this is the place that both the adults and children
can share. So there are no parent conflict between children and adults when
they get the benefits from the national governments.


Above all, the
national government should devote the social programs and services to both the
children and adults and both of them are important.
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