GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them.
1. 何谓现代化?现代化都在哪些方面以何种方式改变了传统事物以及其价值?
回答: 现代化,又译近代化,该词常被用来描述现代发生的社会和文化变迁的现象。根据马格纳雷拉的定义,现代化是发展中的社会为了获得发达的工业社会所具有的一些特点,而经历的文化与社会变迁的,包容一切的全球性过程。 从历史上来讲,它主要指近代以来,世界各国一种向以西欧及北美地区等地国家许多近现代以来形成的价值为目标,寻求新的出路的过程,因此常与西方化的内涵相近。一般而言,近代化包括了学术知识上的科学化,政治上的民主化,经济上的工业化,思想文化领域的自由化、个人化、世俗化等。 比如经济上的工业化,改变了封建社会以农业为主的经济 政治上的民主化,改变了独裁的统制和世袭制度
2. 在现代化趋势面前如果保持传统,会有什么弊端?
回答: 跟不上社会的步伐,比如经济方面,如果保持农业为主的经济的化,必然会被其他工业国家远远的甩在后面。政治方面如果保持独裁制则是对人权的践踏!
3. 传统和现代化是完全对立的吗?有没有二者的共同基础?
回答: 不是完全对立的。以有利于社会的发展为共同基础。比如传统的美德应该保留,尊老爱幼至古就有。现代化了也不应该改变。
4. 传统和现代化在哪些方面存在对立?现代化在哪些方面表现出了继承和发扬传统?
回答: 在科学的水平、政治、思想等方面对立。例如科学水平越来越高,政治越来越民主,思想越来越自由。 在道德和美德方面、对科学的态度方面是继承和发扬的。例如从古至今大家会认为尊老爱幼是美德,都会认为古董是很珍贵的,必须保存下来。
5. 人们有必要在二者之间做选择么?如果有必要,那么做选择标准应当如何确定?
回答: 没有必要,去其糟bo、留其精华就可以了。
Are tradition and modernization incompatible? I do not agree with this statement. Although modernization has been known to have conflicts with tradition, they are not incompatible and we need not choose between them.
First of all, modernization is defined as phenomenons of society and culture migration. It displays a wide divergence of factors, ranging from knowledge scientification to politics democratization to economy industrialization and thought liberalization. In some respects, modernization means development of society. It is no wonder that there is a huge surplus of conflicts between modernization and tradition. Part of traditions are not suitable for modernization and they may prevent modernization and development of society. Politics presents a relevant case for analysis. Before modernization, politics means despotism and people do not have right to participate in politics. Kings come from wars or inherits. However, politics in modernization emphasizes rights and obliges of ordinary people. Advocates of modernization frequently proclaim that voting is the duty of a democratic citizen. Vote in modernization should take place of despotism in tradition, because vote which means that everyone is equal is the development of society. 
Another example of why part of traditions should be took place involves economy. Traditionally, the power of economy resided in agriculture before industry revolution. However, industry had supplanted agriculture as the preeminent form of production and seized economic power. In this case, economy in tradition was not suitable for the development of society after industry revolution. And economy in modernization that is industry replaces traditional agriculture to support the economic development. These are only two examples of why part of traditions should be took by modernization.
But modernization does not correspond to throw up tradition. We can choose prime in both modernization and tradition for compatibility them. Part of traditions is something of lasting value and modernization can not take place of them. Some traditional buildings present a relevant for analysis. Most of traditional buildings faced to be demolished in modern society because of not suitable for people to live or economy reasons. But there is a huge surplus of ancient buildings in Beijing which is the capital of China. These buildings which involve the Imperial Palace and Temple of Heaven as well as the Summer Palace and the Great Wall come in a variety of styles. Majority of them meant a prime in art, which can not be replaced in history. Modernization may mean high buildings and large mansions, but this can not take place of the lasting valued ancient buildings in history. In this example, modernization and tradition can be compatible by protecting lasting valued ancient buildings and demolish no valued buildings. Lasting valued ancient buildings and high mansions is compatible in Beijing which is ancient city with air of modernization. Therefore, tradition and modernization can be compatible.
Without tradition, modernization lacks of something of lasting value. Without modernization, tradition may prevent the development of society. 
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