GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Some educational systems emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions.
1. 你觉得你受到的教育是怎样的?是强调理性思考和推理能力,还是同时教你了解自身情感?请举例说明。
回答: 我受到的教育强调理性思考和推理能力,同时缺少对自身感情的教育。例如,中学的科目设置中英语、数学、物理、化学、生物等课目强调的理性思考和推理能力。只有语文的教学中会有感情的教育。
2. 你认为教育更容易培养逻辑思维能力还是对情感的认知能力?请举例说明。
回答: 逻辑思维能力更容易。例如,数学课上老师只要将证明题的思路表达清楚,学生一般都能理解。但是在语文课上,老师除了思路的问题,还要营造一种感情的氛围。同时学生不一定能够很好的理解这种氛围。
3. 请举出一个你所了解的通过推理和理性思考能力解决问题的案例。
回答: 给出Argument的题目,找出并分析其中的逻辑缺陷。
4. 请举出一个了解自身情感,通过情商来解决问题的案例。
回答: 正确理解诗人诗歌中的含义。
5. 教育能够同时兼顾两个方面吗?如果可以,你觉得哪个方面更重要呢?
回答: 可以,需要学校重视情感方面的课程。我认为两者同样重要。
WORDS: 483          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2/22/2011 7:21:11 PM//应该明确如果没有情感教育只有逻辑教育,逻辑教育也不能完全表现出教育成果,学生不能完全的表现出逻辑教育的capacity;同时情感教育可以写一些道德方面的,比如对长辈没有礼貌,不和同学交流等。在情感教育释放压力的例子中,可以再具体些,比如加入交流的因素:因为没有情感教育,学生不懂得怎样释放压力,不会通过和别人交流等方式释放,照成了表现不佳。
In modern society, the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking plays an significant role. However, exploration of one's emotions which is neglected by some educational system also has its importance.
To begin with, capacity for reasoning and logical thinking is so important for students that they are needed in almost every field in education. Their significance displays a wide divergence of factors, ranging from work to study to communication and thought. Also, educational systems give enough priority to students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking. There is a huge surplus of subjects in education systems to develop students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, such as match, physics, chemistry and computer science. Argument writing in GRE test presents a relevant case for analysis. Argument writing which is one subject of graduate entrance test emphasizes the capacity for reasoning and logical thinking. It is an important reference and standard for schools to make decision of students' admission. If students do not have enough capacity to pass the argument writing test, they have little chance to be recruited by universities. Therefore, modern educational system really emphasize the development of reasoning and logical thinking.
Moreover, students would acquire more benefits from the additional exploration of one's own emotions which lacks in some educational system. The deficiency of emotion education is clearly reflected by the subjects set by educational systems. For example, to the contrary of diversity subjects for reasoning and logical thinking, schools generally only set few even one subjects for exploring one's own emotions, such as literature. However, exploration of one's own emotions also plays an significant role to cultivate students. Exploration of one's own emotions can be imposed to help people find their ture interest and control their own emotions to acquire a better performance. A good example of this view point involves release pressure. In China, university entrance exam is almost the most significant exam in people's life. But a large number of students can not have a real preformance because of nervous. This phenomenom is caused by the lack of exploring students' own emotions. They do not have a capacity to find and control their own emotions in the process of university entrance exam. To the contrary, some advanced systems have already notice this deficiency. For example, Holland football team prepared psychologist to help their team explore their own emotions before the World Cup football match. Psychologist help the whole teammates to find their emotions and control them in oder to release the pressure before important match. In this way, Hollan football team had a excellent performance in the World Cup football match. Thus, exploration of one's own emotions is also an important subject which modern educational systems should emphasize.
All in all, although capacity for reasoning and logical thinking plays an important role in development of students, students will acquire more benefits from the additional exploration of one's own emotions.
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