GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘一清
No field of study can advance significantly unless it incorporates knowledge and experience from outside that field. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE4"No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study"。题目的关键在于“领域以外的知识和经验”这个概念的理解,以及“领域以外的知识和经验”是否能对某个领域的研究起到重要的作用。其次,知识和经验(无论谁提供的)对于研究的作用也 是可以论述的点。
1. 对于一个领域的研究来说,决定其是否能取得进展的因素有哪些?这些因素又跟什么人或者事物有关?请举例说明。
回答: 一个领域是否能取得成果要看在该领域投入的人力物力有多少,还有这个领域能否吸引到人才来研究这个课题。 能否有足够的人力物力取决于此领域的研究成果能带来多大的社会,经济效益。 比如说美国军方发明了电脑。可以说如果不是因为军队出钱的话,一般的机构肯定没有那么多钱和精力发明出电脑这种巨型贵重设备(重30吨占地170多平方米)
2. 对于某一特定研究来说,哪些可以算作是“领域以外的知识和经验”?这些知识和经验具有什么样的价值?请举例说明。
回答: 比如说,虽然数学是很多学科的基础,很多高等数学的知识对于物理学来说就是领域知识以外的知识经验。这些经验是很重要的,因为学科之间经常是要互相支持的。 比如说爱因斯坦在提出相对论之前,就在高等数学上下了一番功夫。
3. 什么样的知识和经验能对某个研究起到推动作用?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 比如说,电子显微镜的发明对生物学的研究起到了巨大的推进作用。 人们通过电子显微镜可以更好地观察病毒等更小的生物。 然而电子显微镜毫无疑问是物理学家造出来的
4. 从研究的角度,应该如何借鉴其他知识或经验?有哪些成功的事例?请举例并简述。
回答: 借鉴一切有可能帮助本学科研究的知识。 比如说中子星理论的提出
5. 从研究的角度,在借鉴其他知识或经验应该注意哪些问题?有哪些由于被其他领域经验误导导致的失败或者研究进展耽搁的事例?请举例并简述。
回答: 不要盲目地引入别的学科的观点,而要批判地看问题 比如所N射线
As technolegy developed, people find more and more difficult to a deal with a problem with knowledge from just one field.Recent years wittness more and more interdisciplinaries .The speaker claims that people can only achieve breakthrough in one field by incorporating knowledge outside that field.I agree with the speakers idea.I believe that combinations of knowledge from diffrent fields are necceassary for progress in a certain field.
One one hand,the borderlines between different subjects are blur and no discipline can be isolated from other discplines.The clear borderline between Chemistry and Biology is never drew.A Biologist study tiny virus need knowledge about the big organic chemical molecures to proceed his research. The development of  one discipline can not be achieved without the support of other disciplines.Eistein would not finish his work on relativity if he had no knowledge about advanced mathematics.Likely,Biology can not acheive what it is now if physisists have not invented and improved the technology of microscope.
One the other hand ,knowledge and experients from outside a field do help the development in that field.Even through the fields seem most unlikely to connected with a certain field contirbute to its breakthrough.The astronomist who came up with the idea of neutron stars--the end of a star bigger than the sun --was inspired by an article studying the structure of atoms. From that article,he learned that the size of neutron and electron,which are everything make up an atom account for only a very small part of the atom,leaveing much space in atoms.Then he assumed a star where the space between neutrons is very small ,so small that only a spoonful of   matierals constituting neutron star weigh tons.The idea changed the way astronomists thinking about the cosmo and push the studies of astrology a lot.
To sum up,the cooperation between disciplines is indepansable for the development of a discipline.
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