GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:happy
It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 有没有哪件事情让你发现了自己的某个特点或者性格?比如发觉自己很自信,或者很感情化等。具体阐述一件。
回答: 有,大一的时候自己主办一次英语角,全部的流程都是我一个人控制,包括宣传,活动内容设计,现场嘉宾邀请等都是我来主导,取得到目前为止还没有人超越我的好效果。让我明白我对与人交流沟通这件事很有兴趣。
2. 通过网络了解什么叫“社会认同”,并给出一些表现社会认同的例子。
回答: Social identity theory Subsequently, Tajfel and his student John Turner developed the theory of social identity.[9] They proposed that people have an inbuilt tendency to categorize themselves into one or more "ingroups", building a part of their identity on the basis of membership of that group and enforcing boundaries with other groups. Social identity theory suggests that people identify with groups in such a way as to maximize positive distinctiveness; groups offer both identity (they tell us who we are) and self-esteem (they make us feel good about ourselves). The theory of social identity has had a very substantial impact on many areas of social psychology, including group dynamics, intergroup relations, prejudice and stereotyping, and organizational psychology. 例子:在对待日本的时候,我们会不自主产生对他们的愤恨。从而来加强自我的团结和以及对日本这一群体的歧视。
3. 在一个社会群体中,大多数人对你的看法会影响到你的行为么?请举例说明。
回答: 影响,比如我买件衣服会参考大家的意见,小时候如果大家觉着那件衣服不好看我买了之后也很少穿。 网:早期,许多同性恋隐藏自己的真实性取向,和异性结婚生子。因为大众普遍价值观接受的是“异性恋”。
4. 除了别人对你的评价和认同,认识自我的方法还有哪些?请举例说明。
回答: 反思,阅读他人的经历,总结,接受教育,实践
    Subsequently, Tajfel and his student John Turner developed the theory of social identity. They proposed that people have an inbuilt tendency to categorize themselves into one or more "ingroups", building a part of their identity on the basis of membership of that group and enforcing boundaries with other groups. So it  comes to that we define ourselves by the identification with social groups.

    First of all, we are the products of the social. It seems that we could do anything we want to, which arttributes to the conlusion that it is we that  control ourselves. However, it is actruely not as correct as it appears to be. We were born in a world including all the components that we have been living on, and envading the cricumstants seems impossible for anyone of us. From the beginning of our life, we learn how to smile to others,  cry for discreeting our passasive emotions,  talk for expressing feelings or views and sharing ideas with others. Then we grow up to a child, we go to school for teaching and aslo palying and get along with new friends. people can never live alone, even the Robinson, who has got stuch in one island, has a friend called Friday. What is more, most of our behaviors, no matter whether it  comfirmist to our moral or not, depend greatly on the people around us. For example, when people go to the shop to by a beautiful dress which has also attracted your eyes, you will have a willing to buy at least the same dress if it allows. And you might offenses the  above point for the following reason that when your friends talk something that you have no interest in, you have a chance to hold the opinion that you will always stict to it, but it does have some influence on your mind even if you do not care much on it. And as time goes by you will probably change what you have decidied  to hold.

    There are plenty of methods for indentifing ourseveres such as the comments from others as well as our own definitions. Some people hold the opinion that nobody could know one accurately than himself, which decides the uniqueness of oneself and the come to a conclusion that we define ourselves on our own rather than the identification with social groups. It is just one way for understanding someone deeper, however , it is not the decisive factor . What we think, what we tell about rely on the circumstance we living on. On the contrary, the envirement without which we could never take a more bit of breath is the most important factor for indentifying someone.
     So, as what we have analysed above, people define themselves by the identification with social groupsfirstly,if the goverment allows any research without any committment, the circumstance of scientist will be in disorder and a lot of heterodox phenomenal will take place.
however, if the scientific research has been restrained greatly, the inspiration and the innovation will be diminished because they have to do what might do not good for the research. What's worse, it has a great opportunity to arouse a counteffects on research.
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