TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你在孩提时都玩过哪些游戏?玩游戏给你带来了什么?
回答: 小时侯主要玩红白机卡带式游戏,从一开始的超级玛丽、魂斗罗到后来的热血足球等。
2. 长大后,你还玩游戏吗?都玩什么游戏?
回答: 玩游戏,玩得基本都是电脑游戏或者PS上的游戏了。比如实况足球、魔兽争霸等。
3. 跟小时候相比,你觉得长大后玩的游戏有什么变化?
回答: 后来的游戏情节都比较复杂,画质都比较好,操作虽然多但是比较容易上手。
4. 成年人和小孩子玩游戏的目的有何不同?
回答: 小时侯玩游戏对什么画质啊没有什么要求,只要操作容易上手、可玩性比较高就可以,同时和同伴一起玩比较有意思。比如一开始的超级玛丽现在看起来画质也很糟糕。后来玩游戏强调画质、音效,考虑的方面比较多了。
5. 如果人长大了不玩游戏,那会玩什么来打发闲暇时间?
回答: 看电影啊??
It is no wander that both adults and children will play games. However, a clear division is usually made between adults' games and children's games. So the importance for adults and children is different.
First of all, games are important for both adults and children. Adults usually play games in computer or play station. Games for them are one of the crucial ways to kill time. For example, a majority of adults like to play FIFA which is one of the computer games. Warcraft is also one of the most popular computer games for adults. On the other hand, children also like to play games. However, electronic game is only one part of games that they like to play. Their electronic games involve Super Mario and Contra. Children also like to play cards game and some activity games which have many children participate. For instance, both hide-and-seek and marble are children's favorite game. Therefore, both adults and children like to play games.
However, a clear division is usually made between adults' games and children's games. There are a large number of choices that children can made to play a non-electronic game, such as cards game and activity games. But the choice of adults may be only the electronic game. Even for the electronic game, the distinction between adults' games and children's games implied by personal inclination is also obvious. The characteristics of adults games involve the picture quality, sound effect, story plot and operation. Generally, a high quality of adults game need a better computer to run it. To the contrary, the games of children do not have the same characteristics. In children's electronic games, there is no requirement of picture quality, sound effect and story plot. What the children need is just fun. And they like to play a funny electronic games with lots friends. So there are lots of distinctions between adults' games and children's games.
Finally, the importance for adults and children is different. Game for adults is just one of the ways to kill time and what they need is personal entertainment. Adults have a hug of surplus of other ways to kill time and have personal entertainment. For example, they can choose to watch film or go to a tourism in their spare time. Or, they can go to some bars for entertainment. However, games for children is the majority ways to have fun with other children. They do not have many choices like adults. Additionally, some ways which are appropriate for adults are not suitable for children. For example, it is not safe for children to go to a tourism or go to bars. Therefore, the importance for adults and children is different.
All in all, although both adults and children like games, the different importance of games  for adults and children derive from the different roles of games in their life.
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