GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:王雷雷
To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE72"One can best understand the most important characteristics of a society by studying its major cities"。题目讨论了解社会特征的问题,给出的方法是通过研究其主要城市。需要大家把“城市”、“社会”、“特征”几个概念都细化并且紧密结合。分析的时候需要注意以下三点: 1、本题很容易因为使用ARGUMENT中“个例不能代表整体”的观点而跑题。要注意,题目所说的是“社会最重要的特征”而不是状况。 2、不要把视角限定在城市的固定事物中,城市之中的商业、人物、活动等等都可以包括进来。 3、讨论“best”的时候可以通过对比等方式进行,要注意论述始终要和“主要城市”有联系,不要偏离论述核心。
1. 大城市和小城市以及乡村之间有什么共性和个性?
回答: 共性:有人居住,有独有的文化。 个性:大城市,繁华喧闹,经济发达,交通便利,配套设施齐全;小城市,相对繁华,经济集中在某个方面,配套设施稍差;乡村,安静,经济以农林牧为主,公共交通不发达。
2. 哪些内容或者事物代表了一个社会的特征?其中哪些是不可替换的核心特征?请举例并简述。
回答: 经济实力,人口素质(教育水平,文明程度,文化)。文化不可替代,是独有特征。各地区文化的发展都要追溯到它的历史渊源,而各不同地区有不同的历史渊源,也就形成了截然不同的文化。
3. 你印象里的大城市都有哪些特点?这些大城市展现了哪些内容是其他地方所不能展现的?可以结合北京、纽约、伦敦、巴黎等城市简单分析。
回答: 大城市国际化,举办国际性活动较多,同时也有很大程度上的个性。
4. 除了大城市,还可以从哪些内容上去了解一个社会的特征?请举例并简述。
回答: 个人和群体的风俗习惯,人口素质,教育水平,是社会的特征,而大城市是这些特征的交融体,也就不具备明显特征。
5. 在了解一个社会的过程中,对应上一问的各种方面,哪方面可以更简单得获得最多最新的信息?相比较而言,分析一个社会的主要城市是否是最有效的方法?
回答: 风俗习惯。分析一个社会的主要城市不是一个有效方法。首先,主要的城市不能充分的代表一个社会,它往往是由各具特征的不同风俗习惯等糅合而成的杂合体,是各种特征削弱和加强后的结果。其次,各具代表性的主要城市才可以了解一个社会。
can new york city perfectly represent the USA society?can tokyo do so with Japan?and how about London and Paris.the answer is no.the major city can only represent part of the characteristic of a society.
the characteristics between large city,small city and country differs a lot.large city always have developed economic conditions,convinient traffic,eccentric culture,whereas the small city is less flourished,both of them have kept tract with the newly trend and latest information.and the country is quieter,and less flourished,more traditional and keep the old culture better than cities.
economy,culture,politics consist the major part of a society.the development degree varies from case to large city,the economy and politics conditions are developed,in London you can watch the olympic games,in tokyo you can enjoy the latest cartoon display,in new york your can know the trend all over the world,and in paris you can watch the newly designed vague.some important meeting may held here,making them into economy and politics centre.but how about their culture,are they better conserved than small cities or countries?country's develop speed is slower than cities,in this point,making it better to study culture,for the traditions,customs were conserved better.
the major city cannot represent the characteristic of a society as above for two reason.firstly,the major city is always the large city,which synthesize culture,politics and so on from others,resulting from the sthengthen and weaken characteristics.secondly,major city can only represent some aspects,such as one reflects only culture except for economy and politics,but not a unbroken refletion.
to draw a conclusion,although major cities can reflect characteristics of a society,it is not integrity.
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