GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenya
[Claim] The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models. [Reason] Heroes and role models reveal a society's highest ideals. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]了解社会特征的最佳方式就是研究那个社会所选出的英雄人物和榜样的特征。 [理由]英雄人物和榜样们展现了一个社会的最高理想。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE203"The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines"。题目涉及三个关键点:社会特征、英雄人物和榜样的特征和最有效的途径。重点应当分析社会中的英雄人物和社会的特征是如何结合以及如何表现(社会如何推选出英雄人物是一个值得思考的方向)。对于是否最有效,因为必须确定一种标准才可以得到相对优劣,所以可通过对比、类比等方法进行论述。写作的时候过程中可以将思路放开,各个时期各个社会都可以考虑进来。
1. 你印象里英雄人物的特征都有什么?和问题二中核心特征有什么对应关系?可以结合实际的英雄人物简单分析。(TIME评选的二十世纪二十位英雄偶像:Muhammad Ali | The American G.I. | Diana, Princess of Wales | Anne Frank | Billy Graham | Che Guevara | E. Hillary & T. Norgay | Helen Keller | The Kennedys | Bruce Lee | Charles Lindbergh | Harvey MIlk | Marilyn Monroe | Mother Teresa | Emmeline Pankhurst | Rosa Parks | Pelé | Andrei Sakharov | Jackie Robinson | Bill Wilson)
回答: 对某一领域有突出贡献,对人类的文明,精神有很深的影响,推动社会发展,展现人性光辉的一面,在品质等方面有突出表现。 Helen Adams Keller was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. 她幼年因急性脑炎encephality引致失明及失聪,在安妮。莎莉文老师的帮助下,掌握了英、法、德等五国语言。完成了她的一系列著作,并致力于为残疾人造福. Emmeline Pankhurst is a political activist and a leader of the British sufftagette movement,which helped women win the right of vote.In 1999,Time named Pankhurst one of the "100 Most Important People of the 20th Century",stating:"she shaped an idea of women for our times;she shook society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back"Although she was widely criticized for her militant tactics,her work is recognized as a crucial element in achieving women's suffrage in Britain Bruce Lee现在俨然成了功夫的代名词,他对功夫的执着,对电影的热爱都深深感动着大家,体现着中国功夫的精神:不断超越,不断挑战,人生中真正的敌人是我们自己
2. 什么内容会是一个社会的特征?你认为现代的中国社会有哪些特征?如果选择一个或者一类人去代表某一个特征,你会怎样安排?当代的美国社会呢?古代的中国社会呢?
回答: 民主法治democracy and the rule of law 公平正义fairness and justice 诚信友爱trustworthy and friendly 安定有序stability and orderly 人与自然和谐发展harmony with nature 科学发展scientific development,和平发展peaceful development,创新发展innovation,还可以是传统习俗,现代文明,国家政策,意识形态ideology,流行文化,国民素质。。。 当代中国的社会特征是追求经济发展保持社会稳定,追求建立和谐社会。 如果选择一类人代表社会特征就要选择那些能代表国民精神的人,有的是拯救人类的超级英雄有的是无私奉献dedicate selflessly的小人物。 古代中国最大的特征是中庸,所以最好的代表就是儒家,但是往往英雄们只能代表一个国家正面的特征,不可否认每个国家都还有一些不好的特征。 现代的中国社会:经济的迅速发展,商业繁荣,人们思想的开放,但是带来的对道德的忽视和不断追求利益,文化的混乱和世界文化的融合。如果选择一个或者一类人代表某特征会从他的职业角度出发,比如商人,律师,教师,政治家中挑选。当代的美国社会:开放,自由,虽然有自身的问题但总可以通过法律途径解决,选择一类人还是从职业角度出发。
3. 英雄人物相对于其他人有什么共性和个性?一个社会是如何挑选自己的英雄人物?请结合具体人物或事件举例并简单分析。
回答: 英雄人物也是一个社会的产物,有这个时代的印记,他相对于普通人而言,往往有着普世的价值观念,但是,他往往是这种价值观念的创造者,最好的体现者,和实行者。 共性:与普通人一样都是生活在当下的社会中,会受到社会环境等多种因素的影响。个性:有一些过人之处,或对社会有特殊贡献,起到模范作用,引领潮流等等。 社会会选择有积极意义的人作为英雄人物,比如通过一个人对社会的贡献而将其称为英雄(林肯),或者是一个最能反映地区文化特点的人物(李小龙)
4. 如果让你去接触一个陌生的社会,你会尝试从哪些方面去了解那个社会?从哪最容易获得信息?从哪得到的参考信息更多?从哪分析了解起来更容易?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 我会从这个社会的历史、政治、经济、文化、教育、以及各个领域的代表人物。了解一个社会,从他最有代表的人物看这个社会最容易,因为这些人占据了聚光灯的焦点,是报纸杂志的宠儿,被普通人追随,比称作社会elite.
5. 什么是社会的最高理想?你所处的社会的最高理想是什么?哪些人可以代表这些理想?这些人在社会中的地位和作用是什么?
回答: 社会的最高理想是生活福利方面,精神领域方面,文化道德方面,政治法律方面的社会终极目标。我所处的社会的最高理想是文化道德的发达,精神领域的丰富,物质生活领域的富足,个人权利方面的最佳的保护。很多各行各业的人可以代表这些理想。比如法学家,商人,教育家,政治家,这些人能够为社会各个方面的发展起到积极作用,在普通群众中起到带头作用,影响着他们的生活。
What aspects will you consider in order to understand the character of a society? There are many ways to know a society, such as reviewing its history, learning its laws and politics, and finding out its cultural and moral characters, as well as seeing its people's common life styles. In my opinion, it is effective and, to some extent, justifiable to learn about a society by examining its heroes and role models chosen by this society. Since the heroes and hero heroines in certain field are usually representative enough to be the indicator of a society's features.
When it comes to understanding a society, the first aspect coming into my mind is its political area and I will take the famous political models of a society as the initial point to learn about the society, since many political heroes are highly admired and followed by common people and they can represent a society's political ideals. For example, one of the famous American presidents, Lincoln, who tried his best to fight for the freedom and equal rights of black men, entirely reflected people at that time were eager of liberty and democracy. In addition, Emmeline Pankhurst, a political activist and a leader of the British suffragette movement, helped women win the right of vote. In 1999, Time named Pankhurst one of the "100 Most Important People of the 20th Century", stating that "she shaped an idea of women for our times; she shook society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back". Although she was widely criticized for her militant tactics, her work is recognized as a crucial element in achieving women's suffrage in Britain.
Consider cultural and moral area. The heroes and heroins in cultural and moral area can also represent a society's culture and morality. The most famous example in China may be Bruce Lee. He has devoted a lot of his lifetime into wushu, a traditional skills in ancient China, which is one of the most representative characters of Chinese unique culture. Learning about Lee's kongfu and his dedication in his career, one can understand the spirit of persistence and challenging ourselves. Another example is that the anthropologists in a society can suggest its love and care about the members in the whole family. As we can see that many elites and celebrities devote their personal property to help the poor and people with severe physical illness. This can tell us the love among social members, which indicates that the society is full of hope and sunshine.
Furthermore, famous people or heroes in scientific field can help us know about a society's innovative condition and its scientific development. For example, many the world's creative persons, such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Steven Hawking, and Mark Zuckerburg, are all the most representative signs of a society's innovation and creativity level. 
However, apart from a society's politic, culture, moral and science, the general welfare of common people is also an important thing which need to be examined. Since a happy life is also an ideal in the society, understanding common people's life and their dreams play an important role in learning about the whole society. While such general welfare cannot be reflect by the heroes and heroins in the society. As a whole, a society's heroes and role models can represent its many characters, such as political willing, cultural and moral level, and its innovative achievement. In addition, we can find out information about the heroes from mass media, network, and other convenient ways, which makes us easier to learn about this society through examines the heroes.
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