TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Arronshine
【IBT机经-5】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Compared with people who live in urban areas, the people who live in rural areas can take better care of their families.
1. 把家人照看好需要哪些条件?需要做些什么?请结合实例简述。
回答: 有充足的时间陪伴家人(陪家人去旅行),有钱满足物质生活,提高生活质量 保障医疗条件(生病之后能去比较好的医院救治)
2. 照看家人的好坏程度是否和居住地有必然联系,为什么?请结合实例简述。
回答: 有联系 如果住在乡下,生活条件艰苦(冬天房子比较冷,容易生病) 乡下收入不高 没有足够的钱和便利条件去丰富精神生活(没钱去旅行 没条件看艺术展览 没有好的医疗保障) 而住在城市的人往往工作比较繁忙 陪家人的时间比较少 而且普遍大城市中家人都住得比较远 见面也不方便
3. 如果二者有联系,是不是居住在城市里的人对家人的照顾就不如那些住在乡村的人呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: 不是 城市的人能提供好的物质条件 2中说过
4. 城里人哪些典型的生活特点?哪些特点能促进他们照顾好家人,哪些阻碍他们对家人的照顾?请结合实例简述。
回答: 2,3中已经说过
5. 住在乡村的人有哪些典型的生活特点?哪些特点能促进他们照顾好家人,哪些阻碍他们对家人的照顾?请结合实例简述。
回答: 住在乡村的人亲戚间住得近 常见面 在身边能照顾的周到 同时时间会比较多 乡下生活条件不是很好 收入不高 阻碍了他们对家人的照顾
Nowadays,people think highly of the family love.They want to provide the better living condition to their family members and people really want to accompany with their parents and have good time together when they getting older.Whether people live in the urban areas or rural areas can take better care of their families have been drastically debated.I strongly agree with the opinion that people who live in the urban areas can give their families a better life.
Firstly,people who live in the city get higher salary than the villagers,they have enough money to go travelling with their families,it is a good way to relief the stress and forget about the work and other things which make you feel annoyed.Last summer, my parents took  my grandparents to Sanya in Hainan.They have a good time on the beach and my grandparents feel excited and satisfied when they told me the feeling about that travel.
Secondly,the public facilities is better in the city which can help people live a better life.If your parents were attacked by the disease,they can gain a progressive treat and be easily to feel better as quickily as possible.Children can also be benefit from the advanced educational resources.They will have more chance to broaden their mind.People can also spend their time in some art or science museum to miprove their asethetic level.
Thirdly,the public transportation in the city is convenient.You can drive the car or take subway to meet you families.It is not difficult to gather.
Admittedly,living in the rural areas have less pressure and they can save a lot of time to spend with their families.What's more ,they can breath the fresh air and have more chance to close to the nature,it is good for our health.However,compared with the advantages about living conditions ,living in the city is better choice.In conclusion, people who live in the urban areas can take better care of their families.
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