TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:summerway
【IBT机经-25】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People are now easier to become educated than in the past?
1. 如今的时代特点是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 科技发达 生活节奏快
2. 过去的社会大背景是什么?它对教育有什么影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 科技落后 大多数人没有机会得到正规教育
3. 哪些特点使受教育变得更容易了?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 1 科技发展 例如网络的普及 人们可以在网上获得学习的资料 在线课程教育使人们无需出门上课 也可以听课 2 政府重视 普及义务教育 取消学费 让家庭承担不起的家庭孩子也能有机会享受受教育
4. 哪些特点增加了受教育的难度?请结合具体事例简述。
5. 如果让你选择,你会选择在当代接受教育还是选择穿越回过去接受教育?请结合具体事例说明你的理由。
As with the rapid development of nowadays society, the need of qualified person has been a hot issue. So the importance of education has been increasingly more paid attention to. From my perspective, people now get access to education easier than old time.
Since the advanced technology makes people convenient to acquire learning materiel than before. Network is more available than before,university students can connect to the public library and download academic paper they need to refer to by using WiFi today. Also, taking advantage of internet, people who may do not have to spend money on transportation to get to school or rent apartment near the campus in order to have class, they can just enjoy the comfort own room to have classes online. That saves money and time a lot. i am now a graduate student persueing my academic, I see that many students who are praobaly outside the U.S or just have difficulty come to main campus sharing the same class with my. Both of us get access to the study material without any problems. Whithout convenient internet, people would definitely have much more difficulty to be educated. 
Government also pay much attention the education and that enable more people go to school to be educated than before. withe the extremely need for people with ability to serve the society, governments establish some policy to make sure that every one has the same chance to go to school. Take my country for example, after establising the people's repubilc of china,. government began to  the nine year of free education to get kid the apporttinte to learn knowledge. No matter poor or wealth, they are the same to be educated, to improve themselves. it is unimaginable before, because kid in poverty family can not afford it to attend school, not even educated. 
Admittedly, the easy way to be educated has some negative effects. Because the easy way and the internet,People may not cherish the chance to learn and become addictive to internet game which is intriguing to young peole. 
In sum, the development society made many people easier to be educated, impriving themselves. people also should be consicous that .So at the same time enjoy the convenience, people must be aware the valuable learning chance which can not be bu the peolein the old times.
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