TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:guoguodan
【IBT机经-29】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life.
1. 电影的种类丰富,能教会我们生活东西的电影一般指那一类的电影呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 关于历史的,哲学的,生活的比如家庭爱情事业之类的
2. 这种电影教会了我们哪些东西呢?请举例说明。
回答: 历史类电影让我们从一个生动的角度了解某一段历史,励志电影传递积极观念给我们让我们面对困难和调整,
3. 还有哪些其他种类的电影?请举例说明。
回答: 科幻片,恐怖片,动作片
4. 人们看电影的目的是什么呢?除了学到东西之外,还有别的目的吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 还为了放松,或者单纯就是喜爱。并不一定看电影就是为了学东西,可以单纯的看电影。
5. 有的电影讲述的是一小段故事,有的电影是记录一段历史,还有的电影是传播某种知识,不同的电影有不同的主题,你觉得划分电影是否值得看的标准是什么呢?
回答: 个人喜好把,有人喜好看恐怖片,有人觉得没意义浪费生命,萝卜青菜各有所爱
movies are great inventions which make human's life more colorful. i am a movie fan who goes to watch the latest movies right away and all kinds of movies are acceptable for me. so when i heard someone told me that it was a waste of time to watch meaningless movies that can teach us nothing, i took a "no" as my answer to him. i cant agree the idea that it is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life for the following reasons. the standard to judge a movie is totally personal, no one can give a currect answer. there are historical movies, motion movies, love movies, horrior movies, cartoon movies and so on. may be an old professor prefers a serious movie about academic study while a teenage girl is crazy about romantic movie portraying love story. the professor admires the character's dedication to his research and the young girl is touched by the pure love which she desires for. even though the professor may view the romance as naive and the young girl would be bored to dead of the serious film, both of them can learn something form their type of movies . movies are not lessons. people watch movies most for fun rather than take them as tools of learning. twilight, for example, is a movie about a human girl Bella falls in love with a vampire Edward. vampire is a supernatural creature that many of us will doubt its existence. so what is the purpose of this kind of movies filmed for? after watching the movie, i was fascinated about the wonderful natural view of north-west american that i made my mind to pay a visit there and therefore i have planed a trip to seattle next summer. and as well, i was impressed with Bella's personality that she would sacrifice everything for people she loves. then those made twilight a successful movie for me and i thing it is worth watching even it is nothing about real life.
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