TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:jerry_494
【IBT机经-28】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more important to choose friends that more capable of having fun with than to choose friends that will help you when you need them.
1. 交朋友有什么原则吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 有,比如说要尽量少的背叛自己啊,靠谱啊,可以帮上自己忙啊。
2. 你觉得两个人成为朋友的原因有哪些?请结合实际简述。
回答: 两个人成为朋友可能是性格比较相投,能说话说到一起去,或者是有共同的爱好,例如都喜欢打篮球的人,还有可能是有同一志向的人,比如说都是要出国留学的人。
3. 你认为真正意义上的朋友会是什么样的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 我认为是尽管很长时间不联系了,但一旦联系的时候便没有抱怨,互相惦记。不管自己有什么困难,他都能够尽自己的力帮你。
4. 俗话说,患难见真情,在你需要时能够及时出现在你面前给予你帮助的人才是你的真正朋友,你觉得这句话对吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 我现在觉得这还是有些问题的,因为人无完人,即使是你最好的朋友也不可能每一次在你需要帮助的时候及时出现,我认为,只要有一次他可以有那么几次尽自己的力及时的帮助我,我就把他当做朋友。
5. 能够陪你一起玩儿和能给予你帮助,这两种朋友,你会选择哪一种?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 我会选给予我帮助的朋友,我觉得这种朋友才有意义,能陪自己玩的朋友是酒肉朋友,也不会与自己的关系维持多么久的时间,因为很有可能他会找到更好的可以玩到一起的玩伴。
The friends is one of essential part of life for a person. Among all the means that the helpful friend can help you solve problem and they have no chance to make you  a incorrect way, therefore  I note that choosing a friend that enable to help you is more important than the one that having ability to let you fun.  
First and foremost, a person who is your friend enable to help you when you have trouble, what a benefit it is. Given that you will face the number of difficuties in your life which leads to a consequence that a man who have ability to help you is more important than the one who have fun with you. For instance, when the jobs came back to the apple company, he faced plenty of problems such as the bad  stock,the book loses and the terrible feeling of staff. In this awful time, job's friends bill give the company 1.5 hundred million and survive this company. Now through these years developed. the apple become the biggest technology company in the world. If the gates is the only person who have fun with jobs, maybe the apple close down early. These are lots of things like this in our life.
Secendly, a helpful friend can not 
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