GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:叶子
Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development
1. 从政府角度,如何判断某件事的是有利还是有害的?哪些事情是政府关注的?
回答: 是否对社会有利,是否合理运用纳税人的钱
2. 从科学研究的角度,其结果会对被政府关注的事物产生什么样的影响?(可以从医学、物理、化学、生物、天文、地理、人文等方面思考)
3. 如果政府对科学研究完全放开不管,给予最大支持,有求必应,会有什么结果?
4. 如果政府对科学研究进行严格限制,谨小慎微,又会有什么后果?
5. 科学研究和发展需要一种怎样的平衡才能算做最健康的发展环境?
Every step of human advancedment on wide variety of scientific matters comes with research. There is no doubt that research paly an significant role in our society. But does it means the government should place few restriction on scientific research and free them to develop along any redom orientation?No, I cannot agree with this claim.
We all know that every cion have two sides, so does researches. Not all the studies has the positive start point that to work in the interest of humanity, reversely, some may do harm to people. That is why the government should pay more restriction on research. Just like the experiment of Bacillus anthracis bomb which was made by England during the second world War, they dropped it to Georia Island. Untill now, these infectious bacterium are still active on this island which is no longer habitable. If this kind of research are lack of restriction, there may be a global catastrophy waiting for people. Another example is the technique of cloning of which development is widely cotroversial, some cloned animal can help scientists got breakthrough in many fields, on the other hand, cloned people may betryed the basic vitrue of human and bring unknown dizaster. To thiis, the government have responsbility to control the development of them, and lead them to the right direction.
What's more, the money for researches almost derived from grovernment. On the premise that fund belonging to the government is limited, investments in researches are not likely be without bounds. Some researches which have no future, such as the study of perpoatual motion machine, should be restricted in order to retrench fund for the other uses. In addition, free policy on research can arouse avarice in people's heart, research rotten in China is a good example for this. For the high research fund, many people do some studies that exit in name but not in reality. Someone may be weak at doing researches, and creates a mandacious paper just for money. These funds are prove to be futile,and add the bordoen of government. So the restriction on scientific research and development are needed.   
Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development
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