TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Leslie_327
"When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
1. 你认为成功的因素有哪些?
回答: 努力hard work 方法method 机遇challenge 他人的帮助help from other people
2. 你知道一些成功人士的例子吗?描述一个你印象深刻的。
回答: 大学的一名同学 每天极其刻苦的学习 在专业成绩 竞赛 英语方面都有很大的成就
3. 你自己有过成功的经历吗?你是经过刻苦努力得来的,还是有一点点碰运气?
回答: 有过 努力的成分大一些 运气也有
Does good luck account for one factor of success? Some people say that success comes all from hard-working and luck has nothing to do with that. But I don't think such statement is accurate. In my view,  hard-working and good luck are both factors for one to achieve success, though one can never achieve success without the former.
To begin with, it is obvious that hard-working is vital to achieving success, in that hard work makes sure we fully understand the problem we are about to solve and maks us practiced in solving the same kinds of  problems. Take language learning for example, to master a new language, one has to go over and over again the knowledge that he learned in order not to forget them. Large amount of work such as analysing, comparing, memorizing also need to be done. All of the above call for a great deal of hard work. As a conclusion, no one can ever achieve success without hard-working.
At the same time,  luck can sometimes gives an impetus to success. One possibility is that we accidentally meet some good advicer and receive valuable advice, which may help us find shortcut thus promote our imrovement.  A friend of mine used to have trouble memorizing words when learning English, one day a teacher told him that he should remember things by imagination rather than mechanically copy the words, he took that advice and greatly improved his work. Later he achieve an award on an English competition. He said to me the teacher's adcice ignited his though, without that luck meeting him he would never have reached that  achievement.
From what have been discussed above, it can be directly concluded that, on one hand hard-working is the basis of whether we can achieve success, on the other hand, good luck may also help. In a word, hard-working and good luck are both what it takes to become successful.
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