TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:高梓博
Some people like doing work by hand. Others prefer using machines. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你从事过手工工作吗?描述一个具体的工作。
回答: 在大学应用物理课上动手做了把小锤子,老师要求不能借助机器,所以每个人一开始都只有一块长方体铁块,自己用锉刀等工具打造自己的工具。
2. 你有没有利用机器工作过?描述一个具体的工作。
回答: 用电脑找资料,写稿子,联络重要的人。
3. 你觉得手工工作有什么好处和不便?
回答: 拿做小锤子为例,这可以锻炼我们动手能力,要知道将一个长方体铁块用锉刀打造成一个有形状的锤子,不但需要对其比例进行规划,还需要有耐力去完成,但最后非常有成就感。不便就是非常耗时耗力,效率不高。
4. 你觉得机器工作有什么好处和不便?
回答: 相比较手工工作机器的工作效率很高,以电脑为例。我经常用它查资料,如果是手工查找,就必须去图书馆,从图书馆书架拿到书再查到有用的资料有时会花费一整天的时间,但如果用电脑查找,很多内容直接就可以搜索到,省去很多麻烦,几个小时就能完成。还有用电脑写稿子,它里面有自动校对功能,不用再自己去查看其中的语法拼写错误,电脑自动识别。但机器普遍很贵,而且需要定期检修,在出错的时候带来很多麻烦。
5. 有哪些行业是从手工生产转向机器生产的?你觉得你喜欢这个转变吗?为什么?
回答: 现在有很多手工生产都转向机器。就拿我们常喝的牛奶业来说,以前都是人工挤奶,不卫生而且要花费大量人力,而且产量也不高。现在不但挤奶是靠机器,卫生且科学,甚至饲养奶牛都是机器,奶牛喂养的好,所以牛奶产量高。我觉得非常不错,因为解放了人的双手,而且使资源更加充足。
With the high speed development of our technology, machine, as our efficient tool, has dramatically promoted social progress and liberate human conventional hand-working industry. To begin with, compared with doing work by hand, using machine is an effective way to help people deal with many tough things. Taking computer an example, searching files, this function I always use, is helping save much time for me. When I need some information about my essay, definitely I will search in internet. Almost everything I can download from internet and only several hours, material collection can be finished. While if searching files in conventional way, I mean, from laboratory by hand, it is hard to say. First, you have to go to laboratory, and find the books which you do not know it has the useful information for you or not. Sometimes it will spend you a whole day just finding some documentaries, and maybe you don't have enough yet. What's more, when I write my essay in computer, the spelling mistakes can be corrected automatically, which saves my time, too.  Moreover, all kinds of resources are less enough because of the increasing of human population, which is to say, machine is indispensable in our life because of its high efficiency. Now let's talk about Milk which is the high demand production in every family. In the past, milk is collected by hand. The weakness of this traditional way is inefficient and not sanitary. Besides, it needs many workers and takes too much time. But in nowadays, milk industry is controlled by machines automatically. From the breeding cattle to collecting milk is governed by machine, human is a small part in this progress, which promotes milk efficiency and saves labor resource.  There is no doubt that work by hand has its advantage. In the physics Class I remember teacher told us to build a hammer by our hands, it is a challenge for all of us. You have to organize the hammer model first, then how to sharpen is effective way. In the end, no matter the hammer is good or not, we all taste a kind of achievement and the progress is interesting. But if in the industry, all hammers are made by hands, what is a terrible thing! In conclusion, although some industries remain rely on human hand-working, such as interior decoration. I believe in the later years, machine can replace them. Because machine is changing the world in every corner and will continue to be.
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