GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:大眼睛大叔
When old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE26"Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served"。题目可以从两个角度进行阐述:一是历史建筑物对于社会来说是否有价值,二是是否应该为了满足现代的需求而破坏或拆除建筑物,即使它们对于记录社会的历史来说是有价值的。可以考虑历史建筑对社会,对人类文化等的作用,也可以考虑现代设施发展对经济、文化的贡献。
1. 描述一个为了保护历史建筑而放弃了现代需求的实例,并阐述这样做的理由,以及这样做带来了什么好处和弊端。
回答: 北京城的为了保护四合院还有其他古建筑比如钟、鼓楼而放弃了现代需求。好处:为我们留下了珍贵的文化遗产。 弊端:不利于城市的现代化进程。
2. 描述一个为了现代需求而对历史建筑进行破坏的实例,并阐述这样做的理由,以及这样做带来了什么好处和弊端。
回答: 江南的很多园林被拆除或改造建造居民区或商业街。好处:促进了经济发展,和城市化进程。 弊端:破坏了珍贵的文化遗产。
3. 历史建筑的价值会体现在哪些方面?是不是所有的历史建筑都有价值?如果不是,什么样的历史建筑是没有价值的?请举例说明。
回答: 体现在文化传承、教育意义、公民娱乐方面。 不是。如果历史建筑破坏严重且没有太多的文化历史价值就可以拆除来满足现代文化需要。比如北京、南京、西安的一些古城墙、古城楼,它们已经没有太多的历史价值,而且影响力城市的交通,所以应该拆除。
4. 保存历史建筑会付出什么代价?请举例说明。
回答: 我们不得不放弃现代建筑的建造,这不利于城市的现代化进程,也不利于经济利益的获得。比如北京城中心地带有很多历史建筑,为了保护它们,政府失去了一块非常好的商业地带。如果在二环以内建造现代建筑,将非常有利于经济利益。
5. 为了现代需求而拆除和破坏一些历史建筑会带来什么好处?需要付出什么代价?请举例说明。
回答: 会更加便利人们的生活,创造更多的经济利益。代价:损失了文化财富,破坏了文化传承。 北京拆除了好多四合院,固然有利于经济的发展,但破坏了历史遗迹。
6. 历史建筑的价值是否会因为社会发展和时代的变化而产生变化?这种变化是否和社会价值观有关系?如果有,请具体阐述并举例说明。
回答: 会。如果一个社会重视文化的传承和保护,那么历史建筑对它就会有相应的文化价值。如果一个社会从来不重视文化,那么历史建筑对它来说就没有多少价值。
  The speaker asserts than modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings then old buildings stand on the ground which could be better used fo modern purposes. However, in my view of point, I disagree with the speaker. On balance, however, I tend to hold that government and societies should pay more attention to protecting old buildings instead replacing them for modern purposes.
   Admittedly, protecting old buildings inhibit the modern development of cities. And to preserve them, governments need expend much money and energy. For example, Beijing has always been trying its best to protect ancient parks and gardens. The ground on which those ancient parks and gardens stand could have been developed into business skyscrapers or dormitories which could bring more economic benefits. And what's more, those ancients parks and gardens prevent the development of public transportation.
  However, old buildings own their own cultural values which are so precious to later generations. And if humans destroy them, It will be almost impossible to rebuilding them. That will be a big cultural lost for human beings. For example, in 1970's, Chinese government didn't pay much attention to protect traditional culture which resulting in much destroy of old temples , ancient gate towers even some  notable former residences.Those cultural heritages should have been protected to represent  Chinese history and culture. But citizens can't see them any more.
 Finally, old buildings play also an important role in educating later generations. Humans leave precious cultural hertages by protecting and rebuilding old buildings. For example, Summer Park , a famous rayol garden, has been totally protected and developed into a educational park to all citizens. Summer Park reminds all Chinese people that we are from a great nation which own precious culture. 
   I concede that, to some degree, protecting old buildings is not benefitial for modernlization of cities, But by doing this, human beings can  leave precious cultural wealth to their later generations. So I'd like to say modern development should not be given precedence over the preservation of historic building for modern purposes.
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